I am SO over this school thing

Nov 30, 2004 17:53

Ok, so I have peaked. I was able to see my mom today and talk about decisions and future plans along with what is going on now. There is way to much to think about....with less than 24 hours to go with the rest of my papers and projects....I have had enough and I want to go home! A few moments ago that I looked up and buried underneath random photos and papers on my bulleton board that I found the words to a Cool Hand Luke song. I am not sure I have actually ever heard the song...but here it is...

Let me tell you what He did for me
With the weight of my worries tearting at my sleeve
I cried to my Father, the end of all hope
"Show me the rope, which way do I go"
As I fell asleep He took away my worries
He picked me up and put me on His shoulders

I could see for miles
He showed me that the mountain I'm climbing
Is not a mountian at all
But a gentle slope leading me home

There are mountains
Towering ahead
He says to me "These are Mine,
Hold My hand and you'll be fine."

I could see for miles
He showed me that the mountain I'm climbing
Is not a mountain at al
But a gentle slope leading me home

"The mountains are Mine"

.....signing off
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