Dec 24, 2006 12:13
SO fri night I went to a couple of Christmas parties. Had some booze, saw some people. The second one I ended up at, I ended up having to defend my political preference from retarded lunatics who suffer from extreme BDS. Why people can't just let you believe what you want. I don't carer what they believe, except the retard who wanted to be an anarchist. That's just stupid and impossible once you have more than a certain poppulation. Plkus it would have to be the whole world or someone would very easily conquer you. I say I'm a republican since I want to pay less taxes. They say Bush has grown the government mora than any other President. I say Kerry wouldn't have done any better. I am drunk so don't have the response of "Well, he createsd a whole new department to try and protect the country. Homeland Security. Not necesarilly a bad move." Then I say "I like libertarianism." They respond with some hard-core libertarian philosophy of no school loans, no NEA grants, no fixing roads.... No government doing anything." I reply "That may be the extremes, but thats not how it would be implemented in American society>" But this viewpoint is ignored. All of thier ideas involving sweeping changes of American society that somehow happen instantly. Yup, I will never again associate with these retards or atleast never talk politics with them.
But in any event it pissed me off so much I ended up walking home, kicking fences and throwing real estate signs. Then my dad picked me up, but he said something and I jumped out of his moving truck. Then I gave up and sat in the rain for a while. Then I went home and went to sleep. Looking back, everyone, evwen rwetards are entitled to their opinion, but it seems that unlike me, they really want to change everyone to their viewpoint. I don't try and change anybodies mind, why can't they just respect my opinion.
My favorite part was when Patty, the jew said Israel was created by the UN and I said "No, you idiot, Israel was created by the British" Then she responded Who are you going to believe, the Jew or the person who hates Jews, (I think she was picking up on the fact that I hated her and may have been a touch Anti-Semetic to make her feel bad) But of course I was Right.
Last night I saw Apocalypto. It is an awesome movie. But it has no Underlieing message. The decadence and corruption of Aztec society is not why it fell. The Spanish had guns, smallpox, and training in large scale warfare. Plus thier army had armour and tactics. Fighting lines and Hosses, plus guns. Technology is a great leveler. If we'd fought Vietnam with the same brutal disreguard for enemy life the the Spanish felt for the indians, there wouldn't have been any sort of Viet Cong, cause everybody would have been dead. No society can stand up to a vastly superior force and not die. You can shoot all the arrows you want at a conquistador, you have to hit him in the face to kill him. He shoot you pretty much anywhere with his .50 cal musket, your dead. Plus you can try and hide in the forrest all you want, he'll just burn it the fuckl down. All they want is gold, silver, and preciouse stones. No food. So you die. A scortched Earth policy. None of the we want to settle this land that swayed the hands of the British fighting the colonials. They wanted simple things so burning everything wasn't a problem. Apocalypto was an awesome action/chase movie and thats all it was, it had no underlying message.
My only question is who is Abel. The movie was dedicated to him. Is this the Abel, The First Son, the farmer killed with the Jaw bone of an ASS, or someone else.