1. I am still made of squee today. Moreso than yesterday, even, because, OMG, the SENATE TOO!! (Incidentally, I support Allen's decision to wait during the canvassing of votes, and wouldn't protest if he wanted a recount, but can we please put aside the Bush v. Gore comparisons, since Bush's lead was 537 votes, not 7,000 votes. kthxbye.)
2. My mom and I went out for celebratory "Rummy resigns and the Dems have the House" drinks last night. Shared a bottle of wine. Whee! (
The Onion: "Years ago, I decided to bog this great nation down in an extended, grueling foreign occupation, and I'm happy to say that's exactly what I've done," said Rumsfeld in a farewell address at the White House, during which he urged Americans to continue waging the ill-conceived, mismanaged, and evidently unwelcome fight for democracy in the Middle East. "Each of my actions--from undersupplying troops with body armor to focusing on capturing Saddam Hussein while Osama bin Laden remained free--has led America inexorably toward our current state of extreme crisis. Well, anyway, goodbye!" HEEE.)
3. I feel happy and in shock, but mostly? I feel relieved.
4. Air America radio is cracking me up with their musical choices, and Stephen Colbert's "emergency donkey pinata" last night was brilliant. Who knew Jeff Greenfield was funny? ::g::
5. How is it possible that I don't have a "squee" tag??
6. I am now eating Candy Corn of Celebration and Jubilance. Who's with me?