(no subject)

Jun 25, 2005 01:29

ROTFLMAO! Okay, so we all know that Scientology = Crazy!Cult, right?

Gacked this from jenniemarie: A list of questions they ask potential slaves cult members adherents. It's your typical religous test. You know, Have you ever degraded a religion? Have you ever been a crook? Have you ever annihilated a population? Have you ever systematically degraded an individual, or population, or mock-up? Have you ever convinced another that he has mocked up an unconfrontability? ... ::blink::

But the funniest part? The comments. To wit:

Ok, I'm just skimming, but seriously? Someone should probably tell the Bush Administration that they lost their "to do" list.

Have you ever done anything you would not like to think of yourself as having done?

Scientology needs a beta reader.

Have you ever blanketed bodies for the sensation trick?

What is this? Is it a kink I just haven't heard of? Will it be part of a new fic challenge meme?

Have you ever mocked another's ability?
Have you ever mocked another's knowingness?
Have you ever mocked another's creativeness?
Have you ever applied a hot iron to another person's body?

Ah, last Saturday. Good times.


::wipes tears from eyes::

But seriously, pixiewildfire came up with the best description of Scientology ever: "Guy writes 'Battlefield Earth' and suddenly he wants to rpg. That's what this is! RPG at a sci-fi convention gone awry."

teh crazy

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