ROTFLMAO! Okay, so we all know that Scientology = Crazy!Cult, right?
Gacked this from
A list of questions they ask potential slaves cult members adherents. It's your typical religous test. You know, Have you ever degraded a religion? Have you ever been a crook? Have you ever annihilated a population? Have you ever systematically degraded an individual, or population, or mock-up? Have you ever convinced another that he has mocked up an unconfrontability? ... ::blink::
But the funniest part? The comments. To wit:
ciara_belleOk, I'm just skimming, but seriously? Someone should probably tell the Bush Administration that they lost their "to do" list.
denial_girlHave you ever done anything you would not like to think of yourself as having done?
Scientology needs a beta reader.
calligrafitiHave you ever blanketed bodies for the sensation trick?
What is this? Is it a kink I just haven't heard of? Will it be part of a new fic challenge meme?
cherrysherHave you ever mocked another's ability?
Have you ever mocked another's knowingness?
Have you ever mocked another's creativeness?
Have you ever applied a hot iron to another person's body?
Ah, last Saturday. Good times.
::wipes tears from eyes::
But seriously,
pixiewildfire came up with the best description of Scientology ever: "Guy writes 'Battlefield Earth' and suddenly he wants to rpg. That's what this is! RPG at a sci-fi convention gone awry."