(no subject)

Feb 01, 2009 05:59

I always seem to wind up in these types of cases.

Sal T. Corn. The successor of the Corn business--if he hadn't died from a single stab wound in the heart. It was a second-degree murder, and my client, Miss Peppy See, insisted that she didn't do it. But her statements kept popping up all over the place. It seems that one night, when Sal was talking to his brother, Cob B. Corn, Peppy came in--with a knife for shucking corn. The witness, Jack Cracker was a firm witness. All evidence seemed to be against her--and me with only three days to prepare.

Fortunately, I managed to turnabout the case. The detectives had only found two yellow corns in the room. Cob testified that he only ate yellow corn, since he was allergic to the red, but we found the red corn in his room--more importantly, with red blood under its leaves. His inheritance to the Corn business had been unfairly taken by Sal, and it seemed the pent-up rage came popping out.

Peppy has been doing better after the trial. She says that she has more pop in her life now. I... think that's a good thing.


This is corn. You eat it. I had some for dinner last night.

This is corn. It's funny-colored. I'm not sure if you can eat it.

This is corn. There's blood on it. Maya, don't eat it.

I think I've finally gotten the handle on this place. At first I thought it would be strange, especially by some of the comments, but by now, I think I've gotten used to it. It's somewhat... peaceful.

Trucy, your magic show was wonderful. Even my magic book didn't cover any of that. I hope I see more in the future. Er... I forgot to give you something after the performance. I hope you don't mind if I give it to you now.

And Medusa, thank you for accompanying me. I hope you had fun! And, uh, I... I really was trying to yawn! Not... Not put my arm around you... or anything! And, uh, I'm sorry I spilled the drinks. I guess I was a little nervous.

To... erm... Etna, may I speak with you about something? Or, uh, more specifically, tigers.


Maya. Mia. Godot.

Why do those names sound so unfamiliar? I know there's something about them--and it involves all three of them. But Mia is missing. She used to be here, and she talked to Trucy's friend, Ren. I have yet to battle Godot in the courts, but his reputation makes me weary. And I can't help but feel that we have a history together, even if he's not telling me. But this case... it's more difficult than just that. Because I don't want to push Maya, yet it's the most direct way to access information. I'll have to find more evidence to break those strange locks.

I'm sorry, Maya.

Franziska... the prosecutor... with a whip. It still burns. But she seems especially angry about Edgeworth. Vash said we were close friends. Is that true? It feels strange to hear all this information, and not even the person there anymore. I want to ask more about it from Franziska, but she won't tell me the answers. Not unless I find a way to show her something that will make her talk... In the meanwhile, I'll stop by this memorial I've heard about, and leave something for Edgeworth. The missing don't have the answers, but maybe he and I could have a... chat.

That reminds me. I should tell Pearly about Medusa. ... Actually, I should just talk to Pearly. I was close to her, it seems. And she's pretty cute. I'm glad to see that she's living with Maya, but I'm still a little worried. Maybe I can talk to her about school or... something.

Speaking of Medusa. I... I hope she likes me. I think I like her. She seems to have more friends on the island than even I do--like Teatime. He seems nice enough. If not, erm. Something. And she gets along very well with Trucy! She's kind, gentle, and her smile... She's still shy about certain types of things, but she's strong--strong enough to raise a daughter on her own, and strong enough to live on this island even without her. It would be too much to say that she needs protection, but... I want to protect her. Maybe I should... ask... if we're really... dating. Is she ready?

Am I ready?

... Too many questions, and not enough answers. That's the moral of the story.

((Mods, +$180 for Phoenix. +$200 for the case, -$20 for various gifts.))
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