Dear Santa...
Dear Santa,
This year I've been busy!
Last week
themoonshard and I robbed a bank (-50 points). Last Thursday I gave
odetodivas a kidney (1000 points). Last Wednesday I caught a purse-snatcher who stole
getsukabijin's purse (30 points). Last month I punched
myboss_makio in the arm (-10 points). In April I helped
hearthofheart across the street (6 points).
Overall, I've been nice (976 points). For Christmas I deserve a Pony Slaystation 3!
...Pretty accurate of what I would've wanted to happen, I think. Hn. This is really pointless, but Maya insisted I take it and read to her my results. Ngnh.
:/ Although that punch in the arm to the idiot should've been worth positive points. And I'm not sure Maya would've wanted to raid a bank... maybe the manga store is more possible, but not a bank.
By the way.
To everyone who helped Maya that night... I... thank you.
I wonder how long things will last this way.