Number IV - Because it's better to light a fire...

Jan 04, 2012 21:34

Who: Axel and Tron
Where: The roof of Complex D (they do alot of stuff there, don't they? X3)
When: Some day between Life Day and Flynn and Tron leaving Coruscant for draft dodging business, late afternoon/early evening 
What: Axel teaches Tron how to make fire via the Force. Friendship stuff ensues.
Warnings: Probably none.

Axel checked to make certain everything was in order. A small pile of wood scraps that had once been furniture, scavenged from the still destroyed  appartment D3, check. A smaller but more numerous pile of scraps of cloth, wadded and knotted into vaguely round shapes, also check. Axel hoped the clothing droid didn't find out what had become of the spare set of clothes he'd requested, but he hadn't been able to find enough unburned wood bits for what he needed to do; the pants and shirt were being sacrificed for a good cause, at least.

And set off to one side, out of the way, a lunchbox-sized cooler that the'd managed to borrow for the occasion. That was for after.

Everything was ready. Now, he was just waiting for Tron to show up so they could get started.

[OOC: Yes, I know that Tron's player is hiatusing ATM, but I wanted to get this up so we wouldn't have to backdate it too far when she got back. X3]

tron: tron, kingdom hearts: axel

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