What is Love?

Dec 02, 2011 22:56

Characters: Marco, OPEN LIKE IT AIN'T NO THANG
Location: A cantina crawl through downtown
Planet: Coruscant
Rating: TBA, assume a healthy PG-13
Notes: Open to any and all! Just list in the header if you want the thread open or closed!!

baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me )

animorphs: marco, ace attorney: maya fey, harry potter: lily evans, daughters of the moon: catty turner, assassin's creed: tazim a-sayf, star wars: kyp durron, kingdom hearts: kairi

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Booths / Tables / Sitting areas goodnaturedfear December 3 2011, 04:58:06 UTC
[ poorly lit and strategically away from anywhere anyone would see you. Enjoy the private time and low, sensual light schemes :'D ]


Tazim | Open need_a_sword December 4 2011, 10:56:04 UTC
[ Tazim has never done this 'clubbing' thing. In fact, they didn't even exist yet in his time. So it's no surprise that upon being dragged along, he decides to take up one of the darker corners of the club. He simply watched what he could see of the other patrons, keeping to himself for now, if only because he did not know the first thing about the social etiquettes in a place like this. ]


pathtosacrifice December 7 2011, 04:33:45 UTC
[Hey, Catty will just pop up behind Tazim, because hell no. You don't get to sit while being social. That is a faux pas.

She leans in close.] Boo!


need_a_sword December 9 2011, 16:01:00 UTC
[ He glanced over his shoulder at her, raising an eyebrow at where she'd popped up. He was- okay, maybe a little startled. In a place such as this where there was so much noise, his normally keen senses suffered a little. Were hindered in detecting someone sneaking up on him.

He wasn't sure he liked that much.

Still, he smiled at Catty's familiar face, and shifted so that there was room for her to join him where he was sitting. ]

Catty! It is good to see you. [ Said slightly loudly, so that he could be heard over the din of music. 8| ]


pathtosacrifice December 10 2011, 18:22:45 UTC
[Don't worry, Tazim. Nobody is likely to slide a lightsaber into your back here, so try to relax. :|

Although, Catty's grin widens when she realizes that he has been startled. Aw yeah.

She takes a seat next to him.] I see you've decided to join us on a night on the town!


need_a_sword December 14 2011, 10:38:57 UTC
Decided? [ He raises an eyebrow at her, and then laughs. ]

Decided! I was forced! [ Of course, the grin on his face says that it wasn't really all that hard to do. ]


pathtosacrifice December 14 2011, 17:23:41 UTC
Forced! [A laugh.] How could anyone force such a big and strong man such as yourself into doing something you didn't even want to do?


need_a_sword December 14 2011, 19:37:34 UTC
With the force, or so I have heard it can be used as such. [ If he'd known to do it, he totally would have done a palm out slow hand motion ala 'These aren't the droids you're looking for,' but he doesn't, and so he just smiles. ]

I suppose it was more coercion than force.


pathtosacrifice December 15 2011, 04:14:06 UTC
So who's going around Jedi Mind Tricking you, then? [She DOES do the finger wave, winking at him. Oh, to have the pop culture knowledge for this stuff.]


need_a_sword January 11 2012, 10:38:06 UTC
[ The pop culture reference sailed right over his head. Despite, he chuckled at her, smirking wryly. ] I can think of a few who might try.

[ Pointed look, Catty. ]

Not that it was truly necessary.


pathtosacrifice January 14 2012, 06:39:07 UTC
[Yeah Catty would totally try. You're not far off.]

Oh? You were excited to come out, then?


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