(no subject)

Dec 01, 2011 00:58

Characters: Anya Jenkins, John Winchester, Riley Finn, CLOSED
Location: some room in some building
Planet Coruscant
When: Week 41, Saturday night
What:  John's captured Anya and means to interrogate her about the other demons around this place. BECAUSE ALL DEMONS KNOW EACH OTHER. THAT'S HOW THIS STUFF WORKS, OKAY?!
Rating: R

[John tightened the final knot before standing straight up to analyze his work. He had tied the demon to a chair as thoroughly as possible. Hands and feet were apart, waist was tied down and the knots were so tight no amount wriggling would set her free. John Winchester wasn't anything if not thorough.

He waved a few smelling salts beneath her nose, hoping to bring her back from unconsciousness. Funny things those stun bolts. Hell, they had even taken the big guy, Riley, down. Of course he wasn't here right now. He was back at the store... or something. Didn't need any emotional anchors for this fun little activity.]

supernatural: john winchester, btvs: anya jenkins, ☄btvs: riley finn

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