Serious as a heart attack // I'm looking in my almanac

Nov 03, 2011 19:37

Characters: L-lol, hello Normandy Crew
Location: Somewhere that sells huge ships
Planet: Coruscant
When: Around the same time as the whole Bellatrix plottings
What: Somehow, buying a new ship became the worst field trip ever
Rating: PG-13ishly?

[This was the worst field trip ever, and it reminds Shepard exactly why, when she went on missions, only two of the crew came with her.

But hey, these are some nice looking ships, amirite.

Also, please feel free to threadjack to your heart's content, my lovelies.]

☄mass effect: samara, mass effect: kaidan alenko, ☄mass effect: mordin solus, mass effect: ashley williams, ☄mass effect: tali'zorah vas normandy, mass effect: jeff "joker" moreau, mass effect: alice shepard, ☄mass effect: kal'reegar, ☄mass effect: edi

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