Characters: Joker, Jack and anyone on the Normandy; Open to Normandy crew;
Location: The bridge of the Normandy
Planet: Coruscant, docking bay
When: Right the eff now; Oct. 29
What: Arts and crafts time with promised macaroni noodles
Rating: PG-13 to R for language?
You're schemein' on a thing that's sabotaaaaage~ )
Comments 8
It takes a minute for him to figure out what just happened, what this is about, that no, she's not planning on destroying any of his stuff or his immediate person. Not yet, anyway.
Thankfully, he manages to keep his mouth shut this once, even as he turns his gaze from the supplies in his lap to look at her. Is that a raised eyebrow there?]
You telling me you didn't?
[Okay, mostly keeps his mouth shut. He almost laughs as he picks up the bag of noodles, but manages to keep his face straight.]
Nah, it was a daycare. Had five year olds clawing at my ankles. Clingly little fuckers. But fun to punt.
Never figured you for a baby football fan.
[He scratches the back of his head, just below the back of his hat, and lays the supplies out over the console.]
Well, if we're gonna do this, let's do this right. [He gestures vaguely to his left, at a spare chair.] Come on, pull up a seat.
I played in the pro league.
[ Eying that chair suspiciously. W/e w/e, she's got nothing better to do. She drags one over, making the obnoxious screeching against tile noise with the bottom of it, just to be an ass, and plops on in all sideways with feet hanging off the armrest. ]
Didn't know you were a master of the toddler technique.
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