(no subject)

Oct 26, 2011 00:33

Characters: Lindsey McDonald and Darla.
Location: The address Darla sent him.
Planet: Coruscant.
When: Backdated to October 13th, midnight.
What: Darla issues a summons, Lindsey capitulates.
Rating: PG 13 at most?

When Lindsey approached the address, he was wearing a dark hooded robe. It wasn't really his style, but having procured gainful employment with Senator Petrelli had its drawbacks. He'd been caught on vid with Petrelli and was becoming a well known face around the Senate Chambers. He couldn't take the risk that someone would recognize him while heading for a meeting with Darla.

Stepping up to the entrance, Lindsey turned to glance around him one last time. Eventually satisfied that he hadn't been followed and wasn't being watched, he announced his arrival with a discreet press of the panel by the door.

btvs: darla, angel: lindsey mcdonald

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