(no subject)

Oct 23, 2011 17:37

Characters: Sif, OPEN
Location: Some bar
Planet: Coruscant
When: Sunday evening-ish
What: Norse Goddess is feeling rather rage-y, needs to get out.
Rating: PG13

Sif had no destination in mind when she started out, just that she needed to get out. Sitting idle wasn't her thing, and she really didn't have any real idea what to do. There was that one thing on Naboo, but since then there had been nothing.

Truthfully, she was lonely. At least in Asgard she had the Warriors to keep her busy, and well, she would hang around Thor more if there was reason to.

So, tonight she wandered the streets of Coruscant before eventually finding herself in a bar, drinking.. something or other.

supernatural: gabriel, ☄marvel (films): sif

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