A little help..

Oct 05, 2010 14:56

Characters: Jack Harkness and the Doctor. (If any of his roomates want to come induring this feel free to!)
Location: Room B-5
Planet: Coruscant
When: Right before or right at the beginning of the bikini plot
What: Jack comes over to help the Doctor with his lightsaber.
Rating: PG?

The Doctor sat in his room just staring at the lightsaber. No, no that would not do, the Doctor shook his head and got up. He needed to look at it, staring at it wouldn’t help anything. The Doctor picked it up and held the metal hilt in his hand. After a moment or two he began to turn it around; he really couldn’t picture himself actually using this thing.

The Doctor looked down at his watch, “come on Jack,” he mumbled to himself as he left his room and headed to the front door. A good amount of time had passed, hopefully enough time that Jack would be at the door any minute. The Doctor was a bit glad that at the moment none of his roommates were there. He didn’t really trust the two of them with the lightsaber; someone could get hurt.

☄torchwood: jack harkness, ☄doctor who: the doctor - 11

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