and endless red tape to keep the truth confined

Oct 18, 2011 21:22

Characters: Tony Stark & Erik Lehnsherr | Closed.
Location: Tony's apartment | D-1. Yes it's as kinky as it sounds.
Planet: Coruscant.
When: Evening, tonight.
What: Kinky things. Talking metal, Tony's plans, basically things involving Tony being ridiculous.
Rating: PG-13.

now with less comm fail! )

marvel (films): tony stark, marvel (films): erik lehnsherr

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Comments 21

99% Kinky and 1% Ridiculous. tonywankenobi October 19 2011, 01:36:56 UTC
[ As Tony wills the door to be opened on its own, he longs for JARVIS' mechanical touch and knack for doing things that are really easy and mundane. After a moment of wondering if he should wait for a second knock to see if the person on the other side of the door really wanted and deserved to see him, Tony stood up and opened the door to see Erik behind it. ]

That was quick, I didn't have time to copy the list onto another sheet of paper. Want a drink?


I can feel it moving towards 99.01% kinky now. oxidantshappen October 19 2011, 01:53:23 UTC
Clearly. I'm not here to waste time with you. [ He tilts his head, looking past Tony to peer in the room, curious as to whether or not anyone was standing around. ]

Depends on the drink, if you don't mind.


It's ever rising when Tony is involved, jsyk. tonywankenobi October 19 2011, 12:56:43 UTC
[ Tony's apartment was conveniently empty for the sake of this log and if anyone occupied the area, they were in the bathroom reading a very thrilling tale in Tatooine Digest about two starcrossed sandpeople in love.

Tony had also been banking on Erik refusing the drink because now he had to share. He gives a shrug as he walks back to the table with his plans on it and tries to undersell the drink. ]

Space Brandy.

[ He points at the list on the side. Just assume there are things on that list. ]

You only need to worry about this 16.5% of the paper. The rest of it, I'll take care of but here is the list of things I need. If my math is correct, and it always is, these amounts are near exactly how much I need.

Simple? Luckily for you, my to-the-point friend, time wasting is not in my vocabulary. [ Most of the time. ]


I am totally down with this oxidantshappen October 20 2011, 03:01:10 UTC
I'll pass. [ He had enough of the drinks on this planet, each of them a considerable let down from the ones back home, well brewed scotch and beer a distinctive taste he'd come to miss.

Erik scanned the list briefly, going over the contents and items, trying to piece together exactly what Tony start had going under his belt. ] Exactly what do you hope to accomplish with these?

I can help you at the bare minimum, though I expect matters would go a lot more smoothly if you provided the slightest bit more for me to go off on.


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