Don't rock the boat

Oct 18, 2011 11:48

Characters: Dean Winchester, the crew of the Enterprise II, and all Jedi & company seeking passage to Mon Cal
Location: IN SPACE. On the Enterprise II.
Planet: From Coruscant > Mon Cal
When: Yesterday through the next couple days
What: Living out the soap opera that is their lives
Rating: ... Let's go with PG-13 - R to be safe

[This post is for any and all shenanigans taking place on the Enterprise II during its voyage to Mon Calamari for the Jedi Outworlder meeting. ANYONE on board is free to drop a comment of their character and indicate in the subject line if it is OPEN or CLOSED; which DAY it is; and what area of the ship they are on (Bridge, Barracks, Private Quarters, Pantry, Armory, Ship Bar, etc etc. You're free to make up rooms, idc) and then other people can jump in \o/ I'll drop an example below with the thread for embarkation. You can do multiple starter threads as well. THREADJACK EVERYWHAR]

btvs: andrew wells, supernatural: castiel, btvs: buffy summers, ☄mutant x: brennan mulwray, btvs: dawn summers, supernatural: sam winchester, heroes: sylar, btvs: spike, supernatural: dean winchester, supernatural: jo harvelle, ☄btvs: riley finn, ☄star trek xi: hikaru sulu

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