I've loved and been a snide...

Oct 12, 2011 00:32

Characters: Spike, Buffy, CLOSED. (Also a Riley cameo.)
Location: The local fight club.
Planet: Coruscant.
When: Evening... nowish.
What: Spike takes Buffy to see him do his fighting for money thing. It most certainly is not a date.
Rating: PG-13 for dirty British slang and violence.

[Spike's all suited up and ready to go do his fight club thing. He looks... pretty much the same as always, actually. Long black coat, black shirt and trousers... the only difference is instead of having a lightsaber clipped to his waist, he's got his old double vibroblade slung over his shoulders. He's got enough unfair advantages without it. No reason to make this too easy.

Now he's standing in the kitchen and finishing off some quick dinner while he waits for Buffy to be ready to go. He's feeling good about this. He's been something of a crowd favourite since he's made a habit of winning. He hopes Buffy has fun. And he hopes she does cheer him on after all.

Then again, maybe she'll be too busy drooling over Riley to care how he's doing. He frowns into his cup of blood and tries not to think about it. He wants Buffy to be happy. Even if it's with a wanker like that. A married wanker. Spike really hates him.

He shakes his head and gulps down the blood. Buffy will be out soon, and tonight is supposed to be fun, not full of arguing. He'll keep his fighting to the ring.]

btvs: spike, btvs: buffy summers, ☄btvs: riley finn

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