Event: Bihl Eh Deen Memorial (Nar Shadaa)

Jul 20, 2011 03:47

Characters: Open
Location: Bihl Eh Deen Memorial Hospital
Planet: Nar Shadaa
When: Week 24, shortly after the distress signal
What: The Revanites respond to a distress call sent by Republic forces
Rating: TBA

something wicked )

☄a:tla: azula, ☄marvel (comics): wade wilson - deadpool, mass effect: jack, mass effect: alice shepard, !event, mass effect: garrus vakarian, mass effect: thane krios

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only_mostlydead July 20 2011, 17:47:32 UTC
[Shepard squints at the poor excuse for a hospital, tapping her gun against her hip.] I can definitely see why they needed to toss out a distress signal, seeing this place.

Who wants to be that the real threat here is whether we get sick or not?


go_in_peace July 20 2011, 18:41:08 UTC
[Thane's going to stand a few feet behind Shepard, surveying everything impassively with his hands hooked behind his back.] I would not find myself betting the currency of this sector against you.

Perhaps we should inquire as to the particular distress that made the area call.


popaheatsink July 20 2011, 23:15:34 UTC
[Aww. Garrus had his shiny new sniper rifle all ready to go and everything. He steps up behind Shepard, trying to hide his disappointment. And worry-- because if the distress call was fake, that wasn't good. If it had been real, then this really was not good.]

I wonder if this is one of those-- what do you humans call it? Chasing wild geese?


only_mostlydead July 21 2011, 04:38:42 UTC
Wild goose chase. [Shepard supplies absently, taking a step forward until she's in front of the front desk. It takes a moment - and for Shepard to rap her gun on the metal - before getting the attention of the surly receptionist, who proceeds to tell them that no distress call was made and that she was in the way of people who really needed help.]

Tell me, guys. What reason would someone have to make a fake distress signal? To send us all running to these three places in particular?


go_in_peace July 21 2011, 07:44:33 UTC
[Thane considers this a moment, staying in place.] Two possibilities immediately come to mind. The signals were either sent to lure us here or lure us away. At the moment the latter seems most likely.


popaheatsink July 21 2011, 07:51:52 UTC
[He dodges a harried-looking nurse with surprisingly quick raptor feet, glancing around the white-walled room with a frown.] This is definitely starting to look like a decoy.

I wonder if anyone has found anything at the other locations. ['scuse him while he gets his datapad out to check. Hell, but he misses omni-tools.]


only_mostlydead July 21 2011, 16:37:46 UTC
[She taps the barrel of her gun along her hip again, pressing her lips into a thin line. Every galaxy seems to want to try her patience, and she isn't sure how much of that she has left.]

Lead us away from where, exactly? No, we've been scattered along three locations. We're being led, and we don't even know who our puppet master is. The Sith? The Crimson Terrors? Hell, even the damn Senate could be leading us along.


keywords, ashe-bb <3 hellodeadpeople July 22 2011, 01:10:26 UTC
Are you fucking shitting me? Seriously?!

[ Don't mind Jack while she gives a sound kick to the nearest hunk of metal, possibly medical supplies and/or instruments. She throws her pistol she had all out and ready to the ground at her feet in a minor tantrum.]

This is bullshit, Shepard.


go_in_peace July 22 2011, 01:25:52 UTC
[Thane's just going to glance over at Garrus's datapad while the space ladies are different levels of annoyed.]

Perhaps we should focus on our next course of action. [He looks over at Shepard] There will doubtlessly be trouble soon, somewhere. This is far too much effort.


popaheatsink July 22 2011, 22:48:14 UTC
[Garrus is finding a whole lot of nothing. His talons click against the screen in an efficient, if slightly irritated manner, and he frowns at the display. The skin beneath his plates is tingling, as if he's missing something important.] I don't think the other distress calls yielded much results either. Hang on. I'm going to make an inquiry to the network, see if that gets us anything.

[And he turns on the recording feature, striding away and down the isles of waiting seats as he talks. He can't keep still. Something in his bones needs him to keep moving, so he paces, trying to put his finger on what is bothering him.] ...should coordinate, if anything else has been fou--

[That is when the bombs go off. From inside the hospital. Garrus's thought is cut rudely short as a white-hot blast catches him in the back, and the datapad goes flying from his hand. The force propels him forward, and hardened battle instincts make him take the fall in a roll, ducking into cover as the worst blows past ( ... )


only_mostlydead July 22 2011, 23:19:18 UTC
[The heat envelops Shepard before she has a moment to think, and then the sound echoes in her head until she can't even hear anything, her body flying through the hot air until until she's flung into a nearby wall. Her head snaps back, and she feels the crack rather than hearing it, vision going black as she slumps to the metal floor. Her lungs and throat burn as she struggles to breathe in.

Her hearing returns in a flash, and she wishes it hadn't, because all she can hear are rough screams and fire and the cracking of the building as pieces of it fall on their heads, smashing to the floor.

Her sight returns next, just in time to see a piece of the ceiling to fall. It's pure adrenaline that gets her moving, rolling out of the way despite the pain. And then she sees-] GARRUS!


my iphone collapsed this notif :| Sorry, guys. hellodeadpeople July 23 2011, 05:17:22 UTC
[ Jack's got her back turned to the explosion and the rest of the group when the bombs go off. One second she's kicking at some expensive bits of medical equipment and scowling at the nurses and the next she's getting a little more friendly with a concrete wall than she'd like to have been and she hears absolutely nothingAfter the spots and static haze clear from her vision she blinks around, everything looking entirely too white, like an over-exposed photo, and she wonders when she laid down to take a nap and when the Kool-Aid guy busted through and left a mess of rubble of the wall next to her ( ... )


I am also slow :< go_in_peace July 23 2011, 08:59:16 UTC
[Thane was carefully surveying the hospital when the explosion hits, instinct at least turning him away from the blast when it hits. He can feel something ripping at his side, and he has enough time to quietly categorize it as shrapnel of some sort before he too hits their good friend the wall.

And he's out for the count.That count being a bit longer than the others as his body just lays there looking positively, charmingly corpselike. Eventually he does start to move, carefully and slowly, whatever the hell color drell blood is running down his side and temple.

He looks around first, like he's not entirely sure where he is but not all that concerned about it, as if this were a normal thing. He categorizes his injuries as he stands- bruising, possibly a few fractures or breaks, his side- but nothing life threatening. His head sure does hurt though, and the room sure is spinning!

Jack catches his attention first and he hurries over, limping slightly as he kneels beside her.] Do not move.


Fuck Weekends, Guys popaheatsink July 24 2011, 06:54:41 UTC
[There's a ringing in his head that won't fall silent, something he finds more irritating than frightening. It's hard to think around that obnoxious jingling, filling his head with fuzz and static. It takes him a moment to realize what had happened, and a moment longer for the pain to start to filter through, rough and throbbing and everywhere ( ... )


FOR SHAME, CHILDREN! only_mostlydead July 24 2011, 07:31:26 UTC
[A deep sense of shame hits Shepard hard as she pushes herself to her hands and knees, gasping hard in the polluted air. Blood rolls down her neck, coating her upper back, but she forces herself to forget her own problems, her own injuries. She couldn't save these people, and her worry for Garrus only reminds her of how much she's already lost, how much she can still lose.

She led her team here, just like she led Ashley and the others. And Ashley had died for Shepard's orders.

Garrus moves, and she barely restrains the cry, hoping the wordless noise is soft enough to be mistaken for a gasp of physical pain.

Her head swivels slowly until she's looking at Jack, gut twisting. Shepard wasn't going to lose another member of her team. Getting shakily to her feet, she joins the others, wiping blood from her mouth as she kneels beside the biotic.] Jack... If you don't shut the hell up for a second, I'm going to make you walk out of here with that thing in your leg. You got it? And if you die on me, I swear... [It's an idle threat, though ( ... )


;_; hellodeadpeople July 24 2011, 15:13:58 UTC
Does it look like I'm going anywhere, Kermit? [ She's healthy enough to bitch so you guys can probably guess she's okay. Or okay enough for now. The rebar's sticking about four to five inches out above her leg, so likely she could be lifted off of it, but oh fuck will she hate life during that. She's going to loll her head to the side to glare at Shepard and then grin because, oh, maybe the blood loss from the head wound is making her a little loopy.] I'm sure there's better souvenirs from our family bombing outing we can find than the asshole hunk of metal shoved through my body. But if we take it back to the ship you better be framing it and sticking it on a mantel somewhere, Shepard.

[ She grabs at Shepard's shoulder with her good arm to lift herself up into a sitting position and get a good look at her leg, then around, at the fires and the bodies and the failing lights and she's starting to get the feeling here isn't a good place to take their time joking about leg injuries and dying (who's joking, Jack?).]Someone just... pop my ( ... )


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