
Jul 18, 2011 21:44

Characters: Anakin & Blair
Location: Wherever Anakin's ship may be.
Planet: Coruscant
When: Week 23
What: Blair needs to talk to Ani about his identity issues he had.
Rating: PG, probably.

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gossip girl: blair waldorf, star wars: anakin solo

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notyourlight July 19 2011, 02:52:07 UTC

[Anakin's exclamation can be heard throughout the hangar as a spark flies out from the top of his ship... just narrowly missing his face. Anakin just so happens to be doing some maintenance on the ship and is now stamping out a mechanical fire.]

Kriffing piece of junk's never been the same since Nar Shaddaa.

[It's now that Anakin sense's Blair's presence. He pushes the fact that he recognizes her Force signature to the back of his mind and looks over to her, waving casually.]



alwaysqueen July 19 2011, 03:06:32 UTC
[she tries to play it cool that she just witnessed him stomping out a fire and failing at working on his ship. At least his face isn't burned, that's a small miracle. She smirks a little as he waves.]

At least you're fully clothed now, miracles will never cease.

[The smirk melts into a sincere smile, and she hurries in closer to the ship, her heels making her have to shuffle instead of actually run.]

I'd offer to help, but I think I'd only cause another fire. That, and I'm not interested in manual labor.


notyourlight July 19 2011, 03:12:43 UTC
[He raises an eyebrow at her as she shuffles towards the ship. He steps his way over to the edge of the ship and rests his hands on his knees as he smirks down at her.]

I'm disappointed in you Blair. Walking around covered in engine grease could end up being such a fashion statement.

[Then what she said before processes. He squints at her for a moment.]

What do you mean at least I'm fully clothed?


alwaysqueen July 19 2011, 04:09:27 UTC
[Aha. That means he doesn't remember. Her smile turns into something much more teasing and predatory, as she's spotted a sign of weakness in someone.]

You mean you don't remember?

[The smile becomes something more impish than anything, and she laughs.]

I ran into you last week, Anakin. You happened to be naked and laying in some sort of hole, and I tried to take you back to my apartment. But as it turned out, you're able to fly and flew away.

Still naked, I should add.


notyourlight July 19 2011, 04:19:30 UTC
[He rolls his eyes and stands up straight, moving to walk away. Then he stops as some of those memories seem to fade back into existence. Not really memories, actually. More like... feelings. Sensations.

He turns back to Blair and glares for a moment before hopping down and landing in front of her, standing a little too close. That smirk of his isn't really helping the situation.]

So, you had me completely naked and you tried to take me back to your apartment? Not very lady like of you, Your Highness.

[The smirk turns into quite the shit-eating grin before he turns and makes his way toward the ship's ramp.


alwaysqueen July 19 2011, 04:25:14 UTC
[ffff oh hell no, he didn't. Her mouth drops open and she just glares, and she of course stomps off after him.]

You didn't remember who you were, I was attempting to protect you from yourself! And if anyone here wasn't very ladylike, it was you! [Wait, that's not right. He's not ever ladylike. As he's a boy, not a girl. But now it's too late to take it back.]

You know what I mean. [She huffs, and hurries to run around him so she can stand in front of him and block his path.]

You're the one that admitted you wanted to mate with me. [Yeah, see that look on her face? It says she's not lying and all of this is a true story. She's also going to poke at his chest now, just to accentuate how offended she is that happened.]


notyourlight July 19 2011, 04:29:08 UTC
[He blinks a few times before looking down at her finger and back up to her face. He didn't... he doesn't... no way would he... SITHSPIT!]

I have no idea what you're talking about.


alwaysqueen July 19 2011, 04:32:01 UTC
As charming as your selective memory is, it's my pleasure to inform you that you did indeed admit you wanted to have sex with me. [She tries to glare more, but finds that creasing her eyebrow that much makes her forehead itchy, so she relaxes the glare and instead gives him a look that says 'well?']

If you rack your brain a little, I'm sure a memory or two of your nude escapades will surface.


notyourlight July 19 2011, 04:36:10 UTC
[He glares back before pointing his finger directly in her face.]

And you still tried to take me back to your apartment. What's that say about what you want?


alwaysqueen July 19 2011, 04:43:07 UTC
I wasn't taking you back for sex, I was taking you back so you could find clothes and Jacen could come and get you. [Her words are clipped, and her face has lost all contempt and only shows hurt.]

No matter what you may think about me, I'm not that kind of girl. I did only want to help you, but I guess I learned my mistake about doing that. Trust me when I say it won't happen again.


notyourlight July 19 2011, 04:49:36 UTC
[The glare slowly fades away the more he sees the hurt on her face and his hand drifts back to his side. Blast it, how does this girl keep doing this to him?]

I'm sorry.


alwaysqueen July 19 2011, 04:55:42 UTC
No you're not. [She's now convinced that both he and his brother see her as this terrible slut, and she takes a few steps back and away from him, and looks down at the ground.]

No one is ever actually sorry when they finally find a way to insult and hurt me. I deserve whatever you have to say to me, but that doesn't change the fact that it still is hard to hear you say that when I thought -

[What did she think? She doesn't even know now.]

I was trying to protect you, but I suppose there's a reason I'm not a Jedi.


notyourlight July 19 2011, 05:03:34 UTC
Blair, I...

[He closes his eyes and sighs, the sound coming off a little defeated. He takes a step in closer so he can speak softer.]

I don't want to hurt you and if you deserve whatever I say to you... well I guess I'd better start by saying thank you.


alwaysqueen July 19 2011, 05:12:32 UTC
[She's a little stunned, and lifts her head enough to look up at him.]

I didn't get you to your brother, so there's nothing to thank me for. Whoever you thought you were, he said that you were dead so I slapped him and told him to leave. And that's when you flew away.

[She shrugs, and knots her fingers together.]

I probably shouldn't have come here to talk to you about what happened, but I wanted to know the truth. But given that you can't even remember what happened, it's all pointless.


notyourlight July 19 2011, 05:18:54 UTC
I'm thanking you because you tried. You never cease to surprise me, Blair Waldorf.

[He smiles and steps around her, beginning to make his way up the ramp. Suddenly he stops and turns slightly to face her.]

Wait. The truth about what?


alwaysqueen July 19 2011, 05:21:07 UTC
It doesn't matter. [She lies, and shakes her head. Instead, she just follows along after him as if she had been invited on board.]

Whatever you said that day wasn't actually you saying it.


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