Partypartyparty PARTY

Jul 07, 2011 21:07

Characters: Anya, anyone else who'd like to show up. IE OPEN.
Location: Forcegasms! Coruscant's leading sex paraphenalia supplier.
Planet: Coruscant
When: ...this evening.
Rating: Umm, at least a heavy PG-13. It is a sex store.

Let's get this party started. )

tron: tron, btvs: buffy summers, btvs: xander harris, btvs: anya jenkins, heroes: sylar, heroes: adam monroe, btvs: spike, star wars: anakin solo, mass effect: alice shepard, ☄heroes: peter petrelli

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Mingling, dancing, staring awkwardly from a corner nomorevengeance July 8 2011, 01:10:01 UTC
[This is where it's happening.]


slayerdom July 8 2011, 06:51:56 UTC
[ Being all time-warped to Time Lordiness has Buffy feeling more relaxed about this whole thing. Besides, Spike is all off-planet and stuff, and tension with Xander has dropped considerably. Which is good, right? So, she finds her way through the crowd of people at the party, seeking out familiar faces with a bright, distracted smile, her attention moving all around the store as she checks it out. So far, she has to say -- she's pretty happy she came. ]


breakmychest July 8 2011, 16:55:51 UTC
[Well, Spike isn't off-planet, yet. He got interrupted by suddenly turning into a community college student and forgetting everything ever. Meaning he doesn't know Buffy, and he doesn't know he promised to stay away from her or why that would potentially be a good idea. He does know that she's hot, and if there's one thing Spike likes, it's hot girls. So he walks over to her.]

You know, I wanted to come up to you with an incredibly brilliant line that would make you think I was both charming and funny, but soon as I saw your face, I forgot it. So I'll just try being straightforward. You're completely stunning.


slayerdom July 9 2011, 03:29:56 UTC
[ When she turns to look at him, she stops for a moment. Something ... she can't place it, but he's familiar somehow. Familiar with just a hint of danger. Slowly, a smile tugs over her lips and she sizes him up. When she replies after a moment, she has an out of place british accent. ] I'll bet you say that to all the girls you meet in sex shops.


breakmychest July 9 2011, 05:23:57 UTC
[The accent's a bit jarring, for some reason, but not nearly enough so for him to stop flirting.] Oh, you know. Just the cute ones. [He smiles back and offers her a hand.] Name's William, but everyone calls me Spike.


slayerdom July 9 2011, 06:56:35 UTC
Very straight forward indeed. [ She says it with approval, and then shakes his hand with a surprisingly warm smile. ] I'm the Slayer. [ Yep. Time Lord name. ] Where'd you pick up that sort of nickname, exactly?


breakmychest July 9 2011, 07:28:15 UTC
[Spike catches her hand, then kisses it, eyes sparkling with mischief. Up until he hears her name and just looks confused.] There's this whole story involving some railroad spikes and a ham sandwich. Where'd you get yours?


slayerdom July 9 2011, 07:34:53 UTC
[ Her eyes light up in amusement at the gesture. She's not even a little flustered, because there's a certain degree of boundary-breaking chillness that comes with having two hearts and being all Time Lordy. ]

What d'you mean mine? Haven't really got one.


breakmychest July 9 2011, 07:46:43 UTC
Come on, the Slayer? There's got to be a story behind that. Sounds like a better one than mine, too.


slayerdom July 9 2011, 08:18:21 UTC
Ah, I see what's going on 'ere. You're from Earth, aren't you? [ She smiles. ] No hard feelings, then. Haven't heard an awful lot of alien names, then, have you? For a Time Lord, it's a standard. No nickname, just the Slayer.


breakmychest July 9 2011, 19:06:55 UTC
[Time lord? If Spike hadn't found himself sucked into Star Wars world, he'd think she was crazy. As it is, he decides to smile back.]

Slayer, huh? I think I like it. It's interesting.


slayerdom July 9 2011, 22:25:13 UTC
Not near as exciting as Spike, o'course. [ She flashes a smile. ] So, you're a friend of Anya's, then?


breakmychest July 10 2011, 02:49:34 UTC
Not really. Just heard about this little get-together and thought I'd check it out.


slayerdom July 10 2011, 09:44:51 UTC
Glad you did. [ There's a warmth there, because even though there's danger in him, there's something good too, and that's the biggest recipe for Slayer interest ever. ] Might've been a bit of a bore if you hadn't, me standing around alone. [ A beat. She sounds almost shy as she questions, ] How long have you been here, exactly? Coruscant, that is.


breakmychest July 10 2011, 14:23:30 UTC
[He shrugs.] Not very. I was at school a few days ago, then all of a sudden... here. [He gives her a sidelong look.] I can pretend it's been longer if you're looking for a tour.


slayerdom July 11 2011, 00:15:16 UTC
Think I'm beginning to see why they really call you Spike. Quite the dog, aren't you? [ She looks amused, though. ] Already got the tour. I'll settle for a dance, though, if you've got one in you.


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