Pull on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames

Jun 27, 2011 15:42

Characters: Adam Monroe, Claire Bennet [CLOSED]
Location: The Cantina
Planet: Coruscant
When: Week 2
What: Adam spins Claire further into his web.
Rating: PG, will update if necessary!

It isnt hell if everybody knows my name )

heroes: adam monroe, heroes: claire bennet

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regeneracy June 28 2011, 05:44:25 UTC
[Claire's not a fan of the Catinas around town. They're dirty and filled with creepers, and normally the people in them eye her like she's either a little girl or a piece of meat. Clearly, she feels that she is neither.

But now she has a lightsaber to ward away skeeves and freaks, and she wears it in plain sight as she makes her way into the Cantina to meet with Adam. Because things are actually going her way for once, she's all smiles as she makes her way over to the table, and comes to a stop before the man she's meeting.]

Adam, right?

[She's spoken with him over video enough now to know that it's him. She's just doing her family proud by practicing a stranger danger routine. That, and she has no idea what else to say as a form of greeting, and awkward shuffling probably wouldn't work all that well.]


suchdestruction June 28 2011, 07:06:13 UTC
[ He recognizes her from across the room. A girl who can take care of herself, a girl nobody messes with. He likes that. She's learning. Adam stands, the gentleman in him coming out. ]


[ He pulls her chair out for her, politely. ]



regeneracy June 28 2011, 07:48:05 UTC
[She smiles a little more at the show of manners, and nods as she moves to sit down.]

Food's the reason we're meeting, isn't it?

[Now she smirks, and reaches up to push hair out of her face. Of course they met here entirely for food, and not for a good informational session.]


suchdestruction June 28 2011, 07:54:36 UTC
Sometimes I've attended a lunch meeting but I haven't been hungry. [ He's shrugging, really. And he also sits down, looking very interested in their...food. ]

What did you want to know?


regeneracy July 5 2011, 22:10:57 UTC
[She's more interested in learning things than eating, and leans up and in across the table so she can better whisper.]

I want to learn everything you know about our power. All of it.


suchdestruction July 6 2011, 03:39:05 UTC
[ He leans back, regarding her, trying to get a read. ]

I can't be killed.


regeneracy July 12 2011, 05:11:16 UTC
I know that! [She raises her voice in exasperation, but forces herself to calm down and lets out a steadying breath. She shoots him a sheepish grin to apologize, and slides down to slouch in her seat.]

I was hoping to find out something that took you a while to learn. Ways we can be killed, other things we can do, maybe? If our genes evolved to give us an ability, doesn't the ability have to evolve at some point too?


suchdestruction July 12 2011, 05:20:41 UTC
[ He smiles in her direction, amused by her eagerness. He then picks up her arm, turning it wrist up and setting it down against the table. ]

Our blood is regenerative as well. We can save the dying, the sick.


regeneracy July 12 2011, 05:25:47 UTC
I knew it! Well, I didn't know-know it, but I had a feeling it would help. Or I wanted it to be able to, anyway. So all I have to do is get my blood inside of someone and it will fix them? [She grins, and rubs at the vein on her wrist.]



suchdestruction July 12 2011, 05:35:10 UTC
[ He lets go, taking a sip of his water. ]

It works best through an IV. Other than that, I'm sure there are discoveries I'll still make in the next four hundred years.


regeneracy July 12 2011, 05:41:18 UTC
I could have helped a lot of people here if I knew about this earlier. [She's still grinning, and squirms in her seat a little. She's excited to learn more.]

What else is there? Can our blood make other people stop aging? So if I'm going to be stuck as sixteen forever, I can find someone to stay stuck with me, right?


suchdestruction July 12 2011, 05:50:43 UTC
If it can, I've never been able to perfect that. In essence, -- perhaps a transplant?


regeneracy July 12 2011, 05:51:55 UTC
[She frowns at realizing that she's going to lose a lot of people she loves, and pulls her arm in close to her body again, closing herself off and away from him.]

Does it get lonely?


suchdestruction July 12 2011, 05:56:42 UTC
[ For now, the power conversation, he's all right with that. But, when it gets to loneliness. To eleven wives. ]

Everything is a little bit lonely.


regeneracy July 12 2011, 06:00:02 UTC
How do you deal with it? How can you let yourself get attached to people and care about them if you know they're just going to die and leave you?


suchdestruction July 12 2011, 06:05:11 UTC
The last person I felt an attachment for ... [ was - is like him. But, that doesn't matter. ] You live through lifetimes. Love a thousand times. It's impossible not to harden.


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