In the still of the morning, only one man can walk out alive

Apr 08, 2011 16:40

Characters: Revan and Yusanis; open for spectators
Location: Echani Training Grounds
Planet: Coruscant
When: End of the week at dawn
What: Narrative. Revan and Yusanis duel for honor and death.
Rating: PG-13

The air was crisp, a surprising addition to this already interesting morning. In silence, even before the Echani General had issued his challenge, the prospective ending to this scheme, Revan had slipped on to Coruscant. To be fair, he had never left after the assassination of the Senator from Eshan. He had easily walked among the people, his people-those from this galaxy and this time, and those who were not from the universe, not from this time frame.

They were all his to keep, to control, to protect from themselves.

It had been some time since he moved in public without his Mandalorian mask, and none had been the wiser.

Now he stood in the Echani training grounds, mask in place, dark robes immaculate, and he was surrounded by his people, foreign and native alike. Beneath the mask, he smiled. It was all coming to plan, each move following the exact outline he had plotted out.

“Yusanis,” Revan called out gently as the white haired man made his way onto the field. There was no silence, but there was a deadly calm that had settled between the two former allies.

“Revan.” There was anger in the older man's tone, pain. Yes, so there would be. Yusanis had lost so much, hadn't he? So much in the war with the Mandalorians, and now he felt that he had lost his general. Poor Yusanis, who wanted nothing more than to see that Eshan was well taken care of.

Revan tilted at the waist, a fist pressed to heart. Yusanis paused before mimicking the action. A greeting of honor. Revan still had his honor, convoluted and distorted as it now was. But this was not the time for that.

“Your lightsaber, I must ask that you don't use it,” the general turned senator said with venom, his eyes darting the hilt at his opponent's waist, where rested a dormant blade with a crimson glow.

“Very well,” Revan agreed easily, placing his lightsaber to the side. It was after all, only one weapon in an arsenal of many that he had, and when Yusanis picked up an Echani blade, Revan knew where this was going. Another smile, one that still nobody could see.

Their blades caught the light of the city, of the sun, as they stood facing each other. He gripped the sword in his hands, testing the weight of it.

Yusanis glared at him. “You have dishonored all of those you have sought to save in the past. You have dishonored the Republic, and you have dishonored the Echani people. What have you to say of your crimes?”

Revan took his time in answering, his voice drawling out as he spoke. “You have all fallen under the lull of your own egos, of the Jedi Council's ways. It ends here. I am sorry, old friend, that your life must be sacrificed to make way for the future.” And he did almost sound apologetic.


Yusanis attacked first, his sword swinging around with force, and Revan barely had the chance to block. So quick, so forceful, so surprising! Yes, this fight would be well worth it, a true sight to behold. The Sith Lord fell back to the defensive as the Echani General took the offensive. Power nestled sweetly within the masked man, but he was no fool. Yusanis was a General for good reason, and he would not be caught off guard again. It did not start off light, and it became grueling in a mere instant. The sound of metal on metal screeched through the air, and even those who were watching had fallen silent at the moment.

Revan gained the upper hand quickly, but Yusanis worked hard to take it back, his blade swinging down and slicing one line down the former Jedi's arm. Pain shot up him arm, the cut itself stinging as blood rushed to the surface and spilled over. And then the wound was gone, taking only an instant for Revan to heal. It did nothing to dishearten the general, who continued with more vigor against his opponent. It was hardly the only wound that Revan would gain in this fight, but his recovery was impressive. Nothing could permanently slow him down.

Fighting together in the Mandalorian Wars had offered Revan something: he had the chance to study the older man, his fighting style. With that in mind, he surged forward, easily taking the offense and turning their roles around. Surprise shot through the general, but Revan did not revel in it. He did not feel well with the impending death of this man; to be more accurate, he did not feel much at all except that it was necessary.

It had to be done.

An opening presented itself, a small and barely recognizable flaw in Yusanis' movements, in his defense, and Revan had wasted enough time dragging on this duel. It was time to end it. He pushed forward, the tip of his sword piercing through the opening, sliding in without problem in the older man's side. It slid with so little resistance, that Revan was almost surprised when the blade emerged on the other side, blood dripping from its tempered metal.

Yusanis gurgled and spluttered, wildly swinging, his own blade catching Revan on the shoulder. He did not howl, he did not scream, but both felt the pain of the wounds.

“Goodbye, Yusanis. The Force will take you, and you shall rest easily now. The galaxy is in my hands, and I will take good care of her. Rest.” He whispered the words as the struggle dimmed and slowed until finally the corpse weighed too heavily on the borrowed sword. He eased the general down on top of the stain his blood had created on the ground.

Revan jammed the blade into the ground, turning and casting his gaze on the crowd, on his children. Before most could process what had just occurred, he collected his lightsaber and vanished.

His purpose on Coruscant was over now.

[ooc: guys, go ahead and post spectator threads in this post. Revan is gone, Yusanis is dead. WHAT DO]

☄harry potter: severus snape, npc: darth revan, harry potter: nymphadora tonks, daughters of the moon: catty turner, maou: shiori sakita

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