Characters: Isolde and Jaina [closed] Location: Docking Bay Planet: Coruscant When: When Jaina arrives back on Coruscant What: Jaina is bring back Isolde's ship Rating: PG? ( I do not want to die inside just to breathe in )
[after doing the standard post-flight checkup, Jaina engages the docking ramp and comes walking down it, hands fiddling with a rag as she tries to get all the coolant, fuel, miscellaneous machine goo off.]
Still in one piece.
[she hits her closed fist against the wall of the ship to make sure Isolde realizes that's what she's talking about]
As are you. [yeah, don't think she isn't going to be all worried mama bear on you, Jaina]
[Isolde looks over The Tempest, her neutral face slipping into a frown. She hesitates, wanting to go inside, but she isn't quite sure. Atton's not going to be there, and maybe that's what hurts the most.]
I almost forgot that Dantooine isn't... covered in raiders and mercenaries yet. I half expected...
Not really, but all things must cycle. Does it ever become a place for the Jedi again? [it is her home, after all, no matter what the Council tried to do]
Come on. [She finds her resolve, knowing there's no reason to avoid her own ship, walking at a comfortable pace towards it.] Let's go inside and talk.
After it has been destroyed? [she says it matter of factly, but there is still a hint of sadness to it] It will likely happen again, an endless cycle of the Jedi finding their place within the galaxy.
[Isolde glances at Jaina] It's a shame that Dantooine is forgotten.
No, I suppose that... it would be hard to recover from what will happen to it. [her home :c]
She will thrive again. [she glances at Jaina, resting a calming hand on her arm, filtering out the anger from their bond] Coruscant is not a city that will stay down.
Still in one piece.
[she hits her closed fist against the wall of the ship to make sure Isolde realizes that's what she's talking about]
[Isolde looks over The Tempest, her neutral face slipping into a frown. She hesitates, wanting to go inside, but she isn't quite sure. Atton's not going to be there, and maybe that's what hurts the most.]
I almost forgot that Dantooine isn't... covered in raiders and mercenaries yet. I half expected...
If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure they leave.
Come on. [She finds her resolve, knowing there's no reason to avoid her own ship, walking at a comfortable pace towards it.] Let's go inside and talk.
Not in my time. The Jedi Temple's on Yavin IV, a jungle moon. [ the hint of a grin ] My uncle rebuilds the Order after it-
[Isolde glances at Jaina] It's a shame that Dantooine is forgotten.
[ she frowns, jaw clenching slightly as anger filters through her ]
Coruscant's destroyed.
She will thrive again. [she glances at Jaina, resting a calming hand on her arm, filtering out the anger from their bond] Coruscant is not a city that will stay down.
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