(no subject)

Mar 11, 2011 20:10

Characters: Ianto Jones and Jack Harkness
Location: Apartment A-4
When: Week 13
What: Ianto and Jack have a chat about certain things.
Rating: PG-13?

Ianto had thought about all of the things that they might need to talk about on his way back to the apartment. However, he knew no matter how much he thought it out and prepared for the conversation it would do no good. If there was something Jack didn't want to talk about, it was quite difficult to get anything out of him. He'd promised that he wouldn't touch upon what he'd seen on the datapad for a while, but there were obviously other things they needed to discuss.

He made it to the building faster than expected. He let himself into the apartment, "Jack, you here?" He called out as he set his things down. Moving towards the bedroom, figuring that that's where he might find the other man.

☄torchwood: ianto jones, ☄torchwood: jack harkness

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