
Jan 09, 2011 00:33

Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Location: Shopping Areas
Planet: Coruscant
When: Week 9
What: Jack and Ianto go suit shopping. Because Jack likes Ianto in suits (and likes taking them off as well) and he feels that Ianto needs a few more.
Rating: NC-17
Notes: As for that rating… it's Jack and Ianto. You figure it out. EDITED RATING: Oh come ( Read more... )

☄torchwood: ianto jones, ☄torchwood: jack harkness

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therealcaptjack January 9 2011, 03:55:20 UTC
In other words, it would be closer for Jack to push Ianto into the changing locker and snog him senseless -- or at least get one hell of a good grope in at the very least. Jack handed the suits over to Ianto with a smirk, making sure the tweed suit was set in between the two Italian wool -- Jack didn't want Ianto to see it until the absolute last possible minute.

Otherwise, Ianto would either smack Jack within an inch of his life or storm out. Right now, Jack wasn't quite sur which Ianto would do first. The man was acting, in a word, oddly.

"Start with the one on top," Jack said, leaning back against the wall opposite the closet. Thankfully the shop wasn't too terribly busy today. "I think the pinstripe is like that one that obviously didn't make the trip with you."

Three button suit -- less buttons to worry about.


cuteinasuit January 9 2011, 09:19:29 UTC
Ianto took the suits from Jack, not sure he liked the smirk that Jack gave him as he was handed the clothing. The man obviously had something up his sleeve.

He moved into the dressing room, setting the various suits down. Picking up the one that Jack told him to wear first, glancing quickly at a tweed suit that had been between Jack's two choices, not bothering to do anything with that yet, if at all. He'd take a closer look at that one after he'd shown Jack the suit he'd just put on.

Ianto quite liked the fit of the first suit. It was a nice tailored fit without it being too tight. He stepped out of the dressing room to show Jack. "So, what do you think of your first choice?"


therealcaptjack January 9 2011, 09:46:02 UTC
Jack didn't have anything up his sleeve -- oh who was he kidding. Of course he had something up his sleeve. He was Jack Harkness. The word 'innocent' had only applied to him when he was the tender age of three. After that, it had been all down hill from there.

He waited while Ianto put the first suit on, glancing down at his watch at varying intervals as he timed the clothing removal and putting on of the new suit. Well... wasn't too bad as he looked at it to be perfectly honest. It wasn't like there were complicated buttons or anything.

"Hm... what do I think?" Jack asked, attempting to be non-chalant, even as he licked his lips. This hadn't been a bad idea in the beginning but after that walk over? It certainly was. "Not bad," Jack replied with a slight shrug. "It's Italian. Italian is always nice." He paused, biting the bullet. "Show me one of yours next."

This was either going to be very nice... or it was going to kill him. Jack assumed the latter.


cuteinasuit January 9 2011, 09:54:54 UTC
"Yes, Italian is usually quite nice." Ianto replied, giving Jack a smile. "Oh, I was planning on showing you one of the suits I had chosen next. I have a feeling you'll like it."

He moved quickly back into the dressing room, picking out one of the suits he had found. It had a light pinstripe to it, and was a bit more snug than the ones that he wore around the hub. Then again, he chose this one because it was going to be a tighter fit. He decided to leave the jacket off to show off how the waistcoat helped to show off the fit of his trousers.

He walked out of the room with a slight smirk on his face. "So, what do you think of this one?" He turned in a slow circle, so that Jack could see how it all fit.


therealcaptjack January 9 2011, 11:40:25 UTC
Yes, Jack had a feeling he'd like it as well -- perhaps he'd like it a little too much. Jack managed to surreptitiously adjust himself as he stood, waiting for Ianto to make his next grand entrance.

Jack should have known this was exactly how he'd appear. He honestly should have known. Still, even with that advance knowledge he couldn't help the grunt he made when Ianto walked out.

"Fuck," Jack muttered under his breath. There was no way of getting around that one. "Just... fucking hell."


cuteinasuit January 9 2011, 11:49:55 UTC
"So, I take it you like it, huh?" Ianto said, smirking at Jack.

He turned so that his back was facing Jack, peering over his shoulder. "You don't think the trousers are too tight in the back, do you? I'm not quite sure."


therealcaptjack January 9 2011, 11:54:16 UTC
"No, I absolutely hate it," Jack replied with a soft grunt. "It doesn't fit at all and I think I need to help you peel out of it." He licked his lips, tilting his head to the side as his eyes zeroed in on Ianto's arse.

"Depends on if you were going for the painted on look or not. If you were, I think I have a pair of leather trousers somewhere if we ever get back to the Hub I need to see you in." His fingers convulsed, making a fist in an effort not to reach out and touch that wool-clad arse. "You, by the way, are an utter bastard. I haven't broken my promise, though."

At least not yet.


cuteinasuit January 9 2011, 12:17:03 UTC
"Hm, I think these go for the look I was going for, then. I really don't think there's enough room in there for the two of us though, but I'll let you know if I need help getting out of it." Ianto replied, winking at Jack. He knew very well what he was up to. Honestly, he didn't mind if Jack broke his promise, but he certainly wasn't telling him that. It was all part of the fun.

He gave Jack one more look before going back into the dressing room and picking up another one of the tighter fitting suits he'd picked out. It reminded him of the suit that Jack referred to as the 'cute suit'...only slightly snugger fitting. He couldn't wait to see Jack's reaction to this one.

"So, I quite like this one. What's your opinion on it?" Ianto asked as he walked out of the dressing room and stood in front of Jack once again.


therealcaptjack January 9 2011, 12:34:25 UTC
Great. Ianto was going for the look that both would kill Jack and also ensure they never left their room anywhere close to on time. That was just bloody brilliant. Jack grunted as he leaned against the wall, almost afraid of what he was going to see next.

No, perhaps not afraid, but wondering just how long he could last without actually breaking his promise. Glancing at his watch, Jack reasoned he could last probably another ten minutes if he was lucky.

"My opinion..." Jack grunted again, then peered around Ianto as he reasoned just how large the dressing room was. "My opinion is I'm seeing how quickly I can get that one off of you. So, yes, it's being purchased. Now into the dressing room. Now."

So much for ten minutes.


cuteinasuit January 9 2011, 13:01:12 UTC
"Well...I don't know. Like I said the room isn't really that big." Ianto looked at Jack, knowing they'd end up in the dressing room together no matter what, though he liked to keep up his front just to tease Jack a bit.


therealcaptjack January 9 2011, 13:04:26 UTC
"I don't need much space," Jack replied, all but crowding Ianto and trying to get him into the damn room. Jack knew he was keeping up the front and Jack didn't mind playing along to a certain point. However, they had passed that proverbial 'certain point' and Jack needed Ianto.


"In. Now." So much for asking nicely.


cuteinasuit January 9 2011, 13:09:41 UTC
"Yes, sir." Ianto replied, with a small smirk on his face. Walking backwards into the room, grabbing a hold of Jack's braces and pulling him inside the small dressing room as well.


therealcaptjack January 9 2011, 13:13:14 UTC
"Methinks the man doth protest far too much," Jack murmured, pushing the door shut behind him. At least it was a full door so there wasn't suddenly two pairs of legs visible. Then, of course, the realisation dawned. "Oh you bastard, you planned this all along."


cuteinasuit January 9 2011, 13:16:04 UTC
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I had no plans...you were the one with the plans for this outing." Ianto replied, pulling Jack in closer to him. "But you know that most of the time I don't have an issue with going along with your plans, even if I do protest them at first."


therealcaptjack January 9 2011, 22:47:17 UTC
"Yes, I had plans for the outing but I know you and I know you most likely hatched this plan as soon as I suggested said shopping trip. You're crafty like that." Jack let himself be pulled closer, snaking his arms around Ianto's body. "Again, the man doth protest too much." Unable to hold himself back any longer, Jack lowered his head and kissed Ianto.


cuteinasuit January 9 2011, 22:53:58 UTC
"Hm...maybe." Ianto replied as he felt Jack put his arms around him. He responded quite readily to Jack's kiss, letting Jack take control of things for a while.


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