I got dat boom boom boom

Jan 08, 2011 00:02

Characters: Jaina Solo, OPEN LIKE IT AIN'T NO THANG
Location: Swoop race tracks
Planet: Coruscant
When: Week 9
What: Taking you through a day in the life of...A Swooper
Rating: TBA

Notes: Open to any and all! Prose/action spam okay! Feel free to threadjack/start your own threads :D

They got dat boom boom yeah )

☄star wars: zekk, ☄star wars: tenel ka djo, ☄harry potter: james potter, daughters of the moon: catty turner, ☄nana: ren honjo, ☄star wars: jaina solo, btvs: spike, star wars: anakin solo, supernatural: dean winchester, ☄pitch black: richard b. riddick, heroes: claire bennet

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likedillinger January 8 2011, 21:24:13 UTC
[Dean hovers over the bike, with a smirk, feigning that he doesn't see her sticking out.]

Didn't know they made some of these with built in swearing, now.


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 21:29:31 UTC
[a heavy sigh. She remembers this voice. Gonna still chill out underneath this bike]

Didn't realize they attracted fanboys, either.


like_dillinger January 8 2011, 21:35:52 UTC
Just haven't gotten to see a lot of 'em up close yet. Looks like a helluva ride.


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 21:39:31 UTC
If you're not talking about the bike this multitool's going down your throat.


like_dillinger January 8 2011, 22:11:17 UTC
I kinda like my trachea the way it is, so let's go with the bike.


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 22:20:30 UTC
I gathered.

[Jaina slides out from under the bike, lifting up a pair of goggles to rest on her forehead as she leans against the side]

Not much of a flier? [the look she sends him seems to imply she knows the answer to this question already]


like_dillinger January 9 2011, 05:15:33 UTC
[HIS ACHILLES' HEEL :C He looks down, trying to hide his frown.] It's just not the safest form of travel.


abovetwinsuns January 9 2011, 05:35:47 UTC
Only if someone doesn't know what they're doing.


likedillinger January 10 2011, 05:23:59 UTC
Well, nobody does when they start.


abovetwinsuns January 12 2011, 07:50:20 UTC
[dry] That's probably why we have sims, now that you mention it.


likedillinger January 12 2011, 20:16:41 UTC
Flight sims, right. [He... totally knew that.] So hypothetically where would somebody get their mitts on one of those?


abovetwinsuns January 17 2011, 21:57:41 UTC
Military academies, usually. It seems most civilians learn by method.


Hypothetically, that is.


likedillinger January 18 2011, 03:24:10 UTC
I'm guessin' you, on the other hand, learned from the best.


abovetwinsuns January 18 2011, 06:01:53 UTC
He'd think so.


likedillinger January 18 2011, 14:17:27 UTC
But you think that's you.


abovetwinsuns January 22 2011, 06:21:12 UTC
In a few years, probably.


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