I got dat boom boom boom

Jan 08, 2011 00:02

Characters: Jaina Solo, OPEN LIKE IT AIN'T NO THANG
Location: Swoop race tracks
Planet: Coruscant
When: Week 9
What: Taking you through a day in the life of...A Swooper
Rating: TBA

Notes: Open to any and all! Prose/action spam okay! Feel free to threadjack/start your own threads :D

They got dat boom boom yeah )

☄star wars: zekk, ☄star wars: tenel ka djo, ☄harry potter: james potter, daughters of the moon: catty turner, ☄nana: ren honjo, ☄star wars: jaina solo, btvs: spike, star wars: anakin solo, supernatural: dean winchester, ☄pitch black: richard b. riddick, heroes: claire bennet

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regeneracy January 8 2011, 06:33:10 UTC
[Should she pretend like she didn't see that? Claire doesn't even know what she's doing here, so she stands there awkwardly for a while and then just speaks up a few moments later.]

I think a band-aid works better than...whatever you just were saying. If they even have those here, I mean.


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 06:35:35 UTC
[ Jaina looks up from under her bike, a look of her confusion settling on her face before it clicks ]

Anakin's friend, right?


regeneracy January 8 2011, 06:37:07 UTC
[She smiles a little at being recognized, and nods.]

Yeah, that's me. I'm Claire. You're...Jaina, right?


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 06:44:57 UTC

[she sits up, using a dirty rag to wipe her hand]

You look a little confused.


regeneracy January 8 2011, 06:52:29 UTC
I came here to check things out because I was bored, but...I have no idea what's going on. [She pauses, shifting a little awkwardly.]

Do you need any help?


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 06:58:04 UTC
[she wheels all the way out and leans against her bike]

They take some getting used to. [a pause. she realizes she should try to be somewhat conversational] Do you have anything like this where you come from?

[she looks at the bike, then to claire, then to the bike again]

Do you...uh...like painting?


regeneracy January 8 2011, 07:09:32 UTC
I like keeping busy, and I guess I'm pretty good at painting. So for today, I like painting. [She bites at her lip, and looks over at the bike.]

Not exactly like this, but people race anything where I come from. Horses, dogs, tricycles...

My dad actually never would let me near anything like this, so this is pretty much the first time I've been up close and personal with...all of this.


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 07:16:53 UTC
Me too. Keeping busy, that is. The last time I painted voluntarily was for psychological warfare.

[...have a blank stare. She has no idea what any of those are] Like...animals?

All of this meaning races or all of this meaning intergalactic warfare?


regeneracy January 8 2011, 07:21:04 UTC
Both, I guess? [Blink.] Well, there's not intergalactic warfare in my time, but people do all kinds of things for regular war at home. [She pauses, taking a step back.]

Not that any war is regular. It's all terrible. But...I'll just...help you paint and stop talking now.

[Another pause.]

I just meant he wouldn't let me near anything that could potentially hurt me, that's all. He thinks everything is too dangerous for me to be around.


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 07:28:30 UTC
[Jaina smiles despite herself at that]

Sounds like life's pretty boring.


regeneracy January 8 2011, 07:30:55 UTC
You have no idea how boring it could get. He wanted me to stop doing everything, even cheerleading, so nothing or no one could hurt me. [She smiles a little, and reaches up to brush hair out of her face.]

It's why I like being here, even if I get homesick sometimes. I get to do things I never would if someone from my family was here with me.


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 07:42:10 UTC
Ever ride one of these before?


regeneracy January 8 2011, 07:45:00 UTC
[She shakes her head.] Anakin took me on a speeder, but I haven't been on one like this.


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 07:48:00 UTC
This is nothing like a speeder.


Speeders are slow.


regeneracy January 8 2011, 07:49:57 UTC
[She just grins like a crazy person who likes fast things. Because she is one of those crazy people who like fast things.]

If I help you with the painting, can I have a ride?


abovetwinsuns January 8 2011, 07:55:04 UTC

If you can draw two suns on the side, you can drive.


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