A warning to the people, the good and the evil. This is war.

Nov 09, 2010 00:02

Characters: EVERYONE D8
Location: Everywhere
Planet: Coruscant & Telos
When: Week Five
Rating: Up to R
Notes: Prose or quick!action is fine! Narratives also work! <3

Make sure to name the planet in your threads, and remember that the people on Coruscant cannot come to Telos, and the people on Telos cannot go back to Coruscant. In a few days time, sub threads for the following space battle--which anyone can join--and the Republic rescue ships will be going up. Have fun with this, Starsians~

The morning is still, almost as though a calm has settled over the mostly peaceful planet of Telos and people can go about their day, their lives, as if this whole Sith problem was eradicated.

And then the first bomb falls, destroying one of the Republic outposts and shaking the ground with an intense ferocity. People begin to panic and curse and fight.

The end is so very near, it can be felt in the air as another bomb falls.

☄star wars: zekk, star wars: obi-wan kenobi, ☄star trek: data, ☄syfy's alice: alice hamilton, ☄earthbound: ness, !event, !open, ☄knights of the old republic: the exile, ☄star wars: jaina solo, ☄harry potter: severus snape, btvs: spike, ☄dragon ball z: son gohan, ☄knights of the old republic: atton rand, ☄syfy's alice: hatter, ☄pitch black: richard b. riddick, maou: shiori sakita

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