you painted all the trees, didn't know that they would die

Oct 21, 2010 15:15

Characters: Admiral Dirge Adrastos, Open! (feel free to create your own threads)
Location: A Sith outpost, near the polar regions
Planet: Telos
When: A few days after the leaked memo

Notes: The Sith outpost is restricted to Sith personnel only, but feel free to have your character go undercover/sneak past the guards/attack blindly -- though the last one is not reccommended unless you want your character shot 8| Quick/action logging or prose is A-OK! Feel free to NPC Sith soldiers if you feel the need!

Rating: TBA

Adrastos stood resolutely as several of his troops continued on with their pre-flight inspection checks, several of the starfighters being prepped for launch.

For evacuation.

He sighed, his lips pressing together in a tight line, his reflection shown on the bay window of his office that overlooked the hanger. After what felt like centuries, he turned his back to the men and women preparing to leave the planet's surface, eyes going back to his personal datapad lying on his desk.

Things were all going according to plan. So far. The leaked memo had, of course, been intentional, and the troops vacating the planet's surface were all a carefully planned ruse. Inspiring panic in the public, as Darth Malak had instructed. Making them feel that danger is imminent.

Still, things were not setting quite right with the Admiral, He had his orders- to remain on Telos and attack the Republic bases on land when they finally took the threat seriously and turned their attention to fortifying their air defenses- but the idea of leaving this outpost weak long enough for the act to fool them gave him cause for concern. Should the Republic chose to attack in the upcoming weaks, Adrastos and the men Malak had specfically instructed to remain behind for the second phase of the operation were in an unnecessary jeopardy.

Adrastos's jaw ticked as he forced himself to abandon such thoughts.

Revan had given him his orders.

He, and the soldiers under his command, would follow them.

npc: dirge adrastos

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