
Jul 05, 2012 13:40

Man, I almost forgot this was here. You can blame the Mass Effect Big Bang for my return. *sheepish* Seriously, the last little while has been not-so-fun bordering on hellish and then my internet went a little bit (okay, a lot) screwy and I didn't really have the energy for anything but semi-microblogging, Tumblr style. But my life is getting back on track so ... here I am, noting that I am here, I do live, I will try to post more often ... and I hope you don't mind that at least some of the posting will probably be the bits of fic I wrote while I was ill and had nothing else to do.

Hope I didn't miss too much excitement! How's everyone?

Cross-posted from http://thessalian.dreamwidth.org/1005623.html. Comments here or there; either way works fine.
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