(no subject)

May 30, 2008 14:03

What a load of *$#% ! My gallbladder is staying in for the time being, but will need to come out eventually. Apparently for now I should just stick to a low-fat diet to get rid of the bouts of nausea I get every time I eat something delicious. If I was a size two I'd probably be on my way to the hospital to get the cursed organ removed without a problem. But no, I get a diet plan that if I misbehave even once I get physically ill. The surgeon was more concerned about the fact that I wasn't planning on getting my followup gastroscopy before going to Korea for a year. Sure, I have Barrett's esophagus that was indifferent to dysplasia (that means they don't know whether I have dysplasia(first sign you're on your way to cancer-town) because my esophagus was too inflamed), but Barrett's when treated very rarely leads to cancer... this I've been told by my gastroenterologists, but this surgeon was like "Oh, before I do surgery I recommend you get your gastroscopy because if they need to cut out my esophagus, they can just snatch out my gallbladder while their at it" (paraphrased, but I captured the essence of the statement)

I know it is not in anyone's best interest to get upset at members of the medical community for giving their expert opinions, but I am just cranky due to missing my 12 o'clock cheese burger to a Subway roast chicken sub with no cheese.
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