Aug 14, 2004 20:46
Some over interesting facts/happenings for your enjoyment:
I was told that i look 19 and then that i look 17 yesterday. Obviously people here are insane. *shakes head in bemusement* Maybe it was the black lipstick? Apparently i am a hot goth according to natalie. Obviously people here are insane. *shakes head in bemusement*
My mission this week (assigned by gabby) is to take photos of all the hot guys at my school (in my grade i suppose) so that she and possibly others can go 'guy shopping' for me among the pictures. That makes me laugh so much. I will try tho and get my friends to help me, sadly there aren't that many hot guys here, they definetly don't compare on average to American guys. And the ratio of hto guys to hot girls is off, there's many more hot girls. *shakes head sadly*
Apparently i am a crack whore.
I discovered the BEST sport the other day- UNDERWATER HOCKEY!! Isn't that the coolest, trippiest thing ever? It mame me so happy i thought i was going to go insane/ have a seizure or something, it was great. I got so hyper. *shakes head just for kicks*
'Hot' is such a weird word to call someone to mean that they're attractive. Not only the word itself, but the implications. I mean, it seems to me like so much less of a compliment then being told you're beautiful, or even pretty. It's just such a weird thing to say.
Actually, maybe being hot is better then being pretty. I don't like that word, 'pretty'. it implies cuteness too much.
Well that was a fun rant about the stupidness of the english language.
That was a lot of head shaking. Hehe.
Oh yeah, i ate straight nutella for about half an hour today, so good evil........*sigh*