In case anyone's interested,
my SL accounts are currently 'on hold'. I found out the other night, when I tried to log in after Cheyenne went to bed to help me unwind for a bit. I never did manage to unwind...
Basically, Ben had some charge backs to his account from some L$ he tried buying back in August. Because his account is linked to mine (was signed up as an alt account because I thought that was what we had to do at the time), my accounts were put on hold right along with his. Then I find out that they think that the charges came from MY paypal account, which they didn't - my account is in perfect standing with PayPal, and has been for the 6+ years I have had it. So I have to get that taken care of before I can even think of paying the charges.
I've been on the phone for the past two days trying to get this taken care of. I'm stressed, I'm tired, and all I want to do is get my accounts back, and get them separated from Ben's. That way, if this happens again, it's either his fault and on his shoulders, and it won't affect me, or it's my fault and I need to deal with it.
And if you know me RL, you know that I hate calling people like this. I've never been good at calling companies for any reason. Yet I've spent probably about 4-5 hours on the phone between Linden Labs and PayPal in the past 2 days trying to get this straightened out. That's a big step for me.
But, yeah. I just sent an email off to the billing manager to see if she can help me figure out what to do. And if I don't hear back by tomorrow, I'm calling her direct line. Again. And I was told she's always in the office on Fridays, so... *crosses fingers*
And now I'm going to go lie down for the 1/2 hour I have left before Cheyenne gets up from her nap. Whee.