
Dec 20, 2005 21:51

LJ Interests meme results

  1. beetlejuice:
    I love this movie. It is so gothic and funny. It makes some really witty euphanisms about death and the afterlife without trying too hard to be correct. It has some well known actors that I have lost interest in over the years: Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, Gina Davis, Winona Ryder, Catherine O'hara and that guy that was arrested for being a paedophile.
  2. cerescape:
    This is my home on the big WWW. It is a lot of fun with some of the greatest people I know. If the Internet is my neighbourhood, Cerescape is my favourite comfy chair in front of the TV. Yeah, I AM a nasty suck up.
  3. drawn together:
    I LOVE this show!!
    It is so nasty!! It is so wrong!! It combines adult animation with reality TV!! What can be more perfect??
  4. h2g2:
    This is the abbreviated version of Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. HHGG = H2G2. Get it??
    I know it's corny. I'm not huge on it myself but it's handy for searching for Hitch hikers related stuff.
  5. hitchhikers guide to galaxy:
    This is my favourite book ever. I read this book as a teenager and it changed my life. It combined my great loves of Science Fiction and british comedy. When I was 16 I tried to make my own verson. But it was crap.
  6. life is beautiful:
    This is a unbelieveable movie that changed my life. I never know it was possible to laugh my head off and cry my eyes out at the same time until I saw this movie. It is about a happy-go-lucky jewish italian man during World War 2. His family is sent to a concentration camp yet it doesn't stop him seeing the world through rose coloured glasses to protect his son from losing his innocence. It is incredible and if you haven't seen it, you should.

    Oh yeah, also Life IS Beautiful.
  7. mc escher:
    MC Escher is my favourite artist. His more famous art is illogical and thought provoking. I found his stuff at a very young age and even now I feel drawn to his work.
  8. paranormal:
    I love reading and learning about the paranormal. My family home is "good" haunted and so I have grown up seeing the paranormal as a normal natural thing and have the twisted need to find out more and get closer to finding out "the answers".
  9. psychology:
    Psychology is also one of those things that I would love to find more and more about to discover "the answers". Maybe not so much psychology as human nature. I'd love to know how the mind truly works.
  10. scissor sisters:
    The Scissor Sisters rock. Or maybe they disco. Maybe both. Either way, you know I'm right.

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