Nov 21, 2008 11:37

A few months back, I promised to announce a surprise lineup change... But, as Halloween approached and our schedule grew naturally more hectic, I was unable to do more than hint and tease without providing any concrete facts to warm your expectant little pants with.


We, the aforementioned SPOOKLIGHTS, would like to take this moment to officially welcome our newest member, MRS. ZEPPELINA MYSTERY!

This plan has been in the works for a while, and we are all very excited to finally start working with her. Zep is going to handle keyboard and bass guitar duties, along with some additional percussion, carnival noisemaking, and all-around glamorous asskickery. As you can see in this photo, she's clearly a natural fit for The Spook Lights:

We're taking an extended hiatus until mid-spring, at which point we plan on unleashing this powerhouse new lineup on an unsuspecting universe. I wish I could hop into a time machine RIGHT NOW and experience the thrill... Who knows what new and exciting adventures we'll have together?

Look for us soooon....


(Special thanks to the one and only Matt Needham for lending his demented lens to all of our promotional needs!)
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