Too Human/Tales of Vesperia

Jul 29, 2008 07:18

Has anyone else played the demos?

I ran through Too Human fairly late last night, and still don't know what to think - the concept is so fucking cool I'm willing to let a lot go. But I hate the control scheme. Or at least hated it for the half-hour I played. The right thumbstick is for camera control, people. Sometimes for aiming. And the LEFT BUTTON is certainly not for camera control. Camera shit belongs on the right side of the controller. Plz to be not confusing this leftie. I have enough trouble as it is.

It's also odd that they add gunplay, with shitty-ass range and targeting that makes it easier to just run into a group of enemies and flail your sword about. Thoughts, anyone?

Tales of Vesperia is gorgeous, but the combat felt a bit...frenetic. Also, the 2d/3d combat field seemed a bit odd - why where some characters hanging out on the Z axis, but I couldn't move into that? Weird weird. Also, plz to be giving some fucking guidance in a demo, especially with games that make you rely on an AI for all your other chars. It's important. Whatchoo boysgirls thinks?


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