
Jun 21, 2008 14:21

So I just came back from the Albertson's - first time I've gone grocery shopping in three weeks, hello $170 bill!

And I have this to say:

1) I need to learn to use myself a straight razor, 'cause I'm tired of paying $20 a month for Gillette shit. However, my hands shake like a Parkinson's victim on amphetamine-laced espresso, so this may not be a good idea.

2) Did you know the Florida heat can bake paper in yo' trunk? I do, now. I'd left my copy of Antigone in my trunk, ran to grab it and all the pages fell right out. All of them yellowed throughout and crispy and brown on the edges. Remember in third grade when you soaked paper in tea and then burnt the edges to make it look like the Declaration of Independence? Yeah. That's what Pensacola done did to my book.

3) Why does Bagelheads have such a hold on me? It's not even that damn good - their lox is fatty with none of the smoky goodness one expects, their bagels are chewy and they never toast them properly, but damn if I don't drop $9 on a bagel and coffee at least twice a week.

Also, I would like to thank my body for allowing me back to sleep at 8am, after waking up with the dogs at 5:30 as usual. Those extra three hours are gonna make seeing La Cage tonight bearable.

food, funny stories, money

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