It's-a weekend

Sep 17, 2006 10:32

It's-a been busy busy busy.

Friday was Faculty Happy Hour and then Cast Get-together; Glenn and Geoff's worlds in quick succession.

In case you were wondering, Bennigan's Cheeseburger Eggrolls are fucking nasty. Not nasty, though, was the company - I'm really glad that Glenn's department is getting close and comfortable with each other, and are welcoming me as a peer (or at least as a comparable spouse.) In New Mexico, it was hard because I was soo much younger than everyone else - the students were closer to my age, and many of them were older. Here, there's less baggage about that. A good time was had by all.

After, we went by the local sit-and-chill gay bar for a drink with my cast, then headed to a pizza-and-beer place in the old Sacred Heart hospital. Which was just....weirdly cool. The bathroom was actually in the old hospital hallway, and it felt like the ghost of some horribly deformed child would peer at you while you were peeing. Much Yuengling was consumed. I had a slice of pizza with cashews. I ate too much. Again.

Saturday was a Day of Driving. We headed out to each and every thrift store between here and Destin (about 45 miles away). Seven hours of driving and thrifting. I was one tired boy. We'd taken a chance and left Cleo with the run of the house for the day - she's been very, very good so far. Unfortunately, eight hours in the middle of the day were too much for her, and we had our first carpet peeing in the new apartment. Live and learn, I suppose. She'll be crated more when the new pup comes, so they don't turn into a mutual antagonism society.

I'm a little less concerned about how Cleo will deal with the New Little One - she's used to big dogs, Belle and Frosty, and has never really shown much interest in smaller pups. However, today she played for a good twenty minutes with a male dachsund in the complex. And played well. Not too much roughhousing. So, if I'm able to get to the breeder this week to see if his standards of care match my own and drop off a blanket to leave with the new litter, she'll have a brother when my parents come to visit in October - a perfect anniversary present for Glenn and me.

Oh - two things I forgot - Cleo had a birthday this week! She turned one whole year old on the twelfth. In my head, it was the eighteenth - matching my birthday. I feel bad that I forgot. ...not that I'm the kind of person who would have thrown a party or anything...

And finally, congratulations are due to my brother, freexrus. He proposed to his girlfriend last night, and she, not being a fool, accepted. So Mazel Tov, Adam!!! You just have to get your ass to Pensacola before that wedding thing so I can meet this lady.

cleo, glenn, family

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