What's really going on.

Oct 24, 2005 08:44

This weekend was just loverly, absolutley loverly.

Saturday was a workday; had a morning show in Kettering (up by Dayton). Usually, church preschool "family day" shows, such as this one, are our worst audiences ever. The kids are too young and cranky; the parents are taking the morning off, so don't actually control their kids, and the contact folks who hire us tend to be ruder at churches than anywhere else. However, this show was a dream. Hot dads all over the place, the cutest kids on the planet, an easy load-in into a huge gym, rather than our usual church basement, and a big bear couple with two adorable daughters.

After the church was our easymoney gig at Winton Woods campground - "Spooky Stories," wherein we take eight creepy minutes of our show, and through the magic of bullshit, stretch it to twenty-eight minutes of not-at-all-scary fun. It's simple, it's easy, it doesn't take a load-in, load-out, or Q&A.

Sunday, we were supposed to go hiking with our new uncrazy couple-friends Dan and Drew to...Hocking Hills,I think? It was, of course, dreary and bleary and raining yessirday, so instead we ran all over the city doing rainy-day activities. Brunch at Mary's (where, instead of just lox, they give you smoked salmon roulades - which are yummy, but impossible to put on a bagel.) The Cincinnati Art Museum - because it, unlike Museum Center, is free. Shopping at Kenwood, where I replaced my favorite jeans that were paint-smeared in a cleanup accident, and Glenn got purty shirts a size smaller than he used to buy. Coffeebooze and conversation at Sitwells. Home for WoW (I'm loving my new warlock, Wyrmclave - such a different style of play, even though he's also a ranged/pet class just like my hunter.) Desperate Housewives (which sucked), Grey's Anatomy (which, until the final scene, rocked. I love Sandra Oh. "Yeah, we're a couple." pause "Whatever. Don't make a big deal out of it."

Today is an office day, and then maybe laundry. David's stepdad was supposed to wire our basement so we could hook up our dryer last weekend - still hasn't. So it's a wash at home, take to a laundromat activity. That? Sux0rs, but gives me time to get further into The System of the World.

And that's me! me! me!

puppets, glenn, house

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