A New Begining

Jan 01, 2006 03:57

Heer it goes This past year was pretty damn awsum if I don't say so my self. But i'm reely looking forward to this new year I have great friends and an evan greater GirlFriend. This New year although only started a mere few hours ago it has already been amazing I Haven't evan made a mistake yet. Go me heck yes. I think I wanna talk about my friends lets start with.....

Heather Oh dear Heather (AKA) BOBO where to begin you are a great human being and further more a great friend.... you will always be there for anyone who needs You just b-cuz your an amazing person who would do nething for a friend, and probably evan a little something for an enemy. I'm glad we got to know each other this year cause I like to talk to you and I reely like to bother you... but you know that and I'm glad you put up with me...Thanx....
And lets see one memorie we share theres alot so i'll go with this one ok we're sitting in the adatorioum and i'm sitting behind Bobo and she shows me her amazing ability of being able to do a back bend very nice....OLO


Nani My P.R for life, oh deer lord you are a piece of work and a pain in the ass, oh a big pain in the ass but I love you and reely glad were friends we have this like telepathic thing where we can just no what we're thinking, and like BOBO I love to talk to you evan though alot of our talk is non verbal we just get each other we just do and no one can take that away not a damn person... let them try I'll kill them put em up oh and did i mention your a pain in my ass (olo)....
And a memorie ok heers one We're watching the longest yard in the theater and every 3 seconds wow hes hot, wowo hes hot, wow hes hot, so I get up and move like 5 seats away and she screams hey come back I'll stop, so I go back and wut do I hear wow hes hot...omfg....


Marc My Whine Ass... yes ur a whiner but I love you you reely are my one great guy friend and I do like spending time with ya we do have some good times and like nani your a pain in the ass but we do have some good times and I do like to beat you up cuz it's fun, and you will nvr able to take that away from me...
And a memorie Well the greatest of all how we met.. I have had never seen you b-4 and your going to get ready to give your monologue for the Tryouts and I see that you have lead only marked so I look at you and say "What are you doing you won't get a lead this is 1st show, why do you evan bother, you won't get it"..olo love ya buddy


O.K this one is gunna kinda b a lump of friends I'm gettin tired so lets c I'll do a few names okokok we got Steve,Dickie,Ashley,Ben,Jen,Bri Waddle waddle waddle...,Matthias, omg of course ALL MY BABES ALL OF THEM...,Elise,Dee,Franklin marie,Kat,Ok im sure i missed a few but you all have had a great impact on my entire year I meen without you This year would have sucked I meen this year rocked alot and I'm gald i could share it all with you..

O.K I'm done those are all the ppl I know I dont know anyone else...

OKOKOKOK I Know One More Person Saving the Best For Last MEGHAN...

Meghan YOUR F-in Amazing olo again I'm sorry we didn't get to know each other till this year. but oh trust me we made up for lost time once we met and became friends, we spent alot of time together just hanging out, and then the day that changed my life 10/3/05 what a day it Totaly blows my mind A day that changed my life In a very good way. The day you told me your feelings and I was so happy you did because I was to much of a whimp to say anything myself. And I remember thinking just days prior. What the hell is wrong with me why can't I tell her how I feel. wut is wrong with me. I know my feelings why cant I tell her.. I Thought me not telling her was gunna be the biggest mistake of my life One of those things you regret for years but luckly Meghan has a back bone unlike me... olo and she spoke up thank goodness... but I still say that I would have eventually said sumthing, I would have, yes I would have.. uh huh I would have....ok maybe not olo, none the less Your Great, and a Great Friend A great Girlfriend A Great person And all your friends Are lucky to have you as a Friend As am I lucky to have you as a friend and a girlfriend..
One Memorie Well gawd Where to start O.K This is a good one And Realy Funny,, O.K We have had some reely intresting 1st to say the least,... Well we just got to your dorm room me,marc,and heather just checking it out and then marc and bobo leave and go down to the car to leave us alone.. so I go in for a kiss it was a short little thing and Meghan being oh so subtle sez "Your kisses are so short" HINT HINT..olo.. so i go in and pile drive her face trying to kiss her I smushed her face it was very BAD. and aboot 5 seconds in she starts laughing and sez wow that was realy bad ..Thanx.. and I feel like 3 Inches tall and then she sez It's ok and I say um ok Still feeling Stupid.. and we began to walk out and I trip over the chair in the hallway in front of some random ppl I didn't know as I'm leaving and make a fool of my self... I'm good at it......But it is One Of Our Famous 1ST's And I wouldn't Trade it for the world.....

Ya so i've been writing this for like 2 hours and I'm Tired so I'm going to bed And I hope you all had fun reading it cuz I had fun writing it....
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