Jan 17, 2007 00:06
So the other day, I was standing in front of the mirror, and I said, "I hate my boobs. They look all wrong. I'd like to get them reduced -- and then get implants. I think that would look much better."
Then I said, "Sweet fancy Moses, did I just decide that my problem is that my breasts do not look sufficiently fake? What is WRONG with me?"
My kitty Merlin had dental surgery today. Apparently, kitties get a viral gum disease -- a herpes strain -- that precedes tooth disease, as opposed to humans or dogs, in whom tooth disease precedes the gum damage. Who knew? I just wish I could have learned that factoid without my kitty having bleeding gum abcesses or losing a few teeth. Or, y'know, having mouth herpes. (Dr. Joe promises me that it's probably not transferable to either our other kitties or the people in the household.)
Sorry. I hope you weren't eating.