Jan 19, 2005 13:56
Friday: Early morning. One-act competition went pretty well. Our dead body got an All-Star award. Whatever. Went back to school and did my AP writing. I was so sure it was at least a 6. Went home and prepared for the weekend's adventures. Showed up at AMC to surprise Freddy getting off work. Stupid Dewayne told. We went to McDonald's (corporate was there. hahaha.) then to FBC for the Overnight Express thing. Probably my favorite part of the night was the scavenger hunt. Me, Phil, Allie, Freddy and TC packed into Allie's car. THAT was tons of fun. Killer the goldfish. Hahaha. Went the Ice Sports Forum, but didn't get to skate or play broom hockey. Grr. Then Celebration Station. Putt putt, video games, DDR, etc. Trying to be comfortable all over each other in the benches and sleep. Back to the church for two hours of sleep in the midst of war (game of dodgeball. same thing).
Saturday: Woke up from Overnight Express, trouble with my car. Turns out it needed a full tank of gas. I hate that stupid gas gage. Went home slept til 5pm. Got up, sat around. Watched Scorpion King with David and Jack Parry. Slept.
Sunday: church at Kings. Freddy and I sat in on the kids church since Andy (Freddy's younger brother) was directing. Went home, sat around for a while, cleaned. Freddy came over after he finished stacking chairs, helped me clean. We sat around til dad called and asked us to come clean out his car because he had a hot date (my words, not his). Ate Taco Bell. Justin showed up. I left to switch cars with Arpie. Came home. Had forgotten my purse at Granny's, so mom dropped it off on her way home. Freddy thought it was Ray at the door and dove into the kitchen. Hahaha. We watched Behind Enemy Lines. I went to bed.
Monday: Got up around 10:30. Sat around. Around 12 dad and I went to Bracato's Sandwich Shop for lunch then to the Credit Union to fix my card and do some other stuff, only to find out that it was closed for MLK day. Grr. Went home, sat around, didn't do my homework. Freddy came over to pick up his Spiderman 2 DVD and left for work. I did more of not doing my homework.
Tuesday: School. Found out I got a 5+ on my writing. *mumble mumble grr* Dad's right, I don't know how to communicate my self.) Dropped by Seffner to say hi to some people after school. Home to sort of not do my homework. 6-8:30 Freedom high school for a financial aid workshop. 8:30-10 McDonald's to talk finances with mom and dad. Yee haw. Home. Finally in bed around 11:45
Today: Woken up at 7:30 to a reply for a text I accidentally resent to Chris. Realized my alarm had somehow gotten turned off, rushed to get ready for school, didn't make it before 1st period was already half over, figured i was getting 1 absence for the day, might as well just take the whole day, and went home to mom's. Slept for a little while. Now I've been sitting around, doing more of nothing much that's not really productive. I need to get moving.
I am so tired. I really just want to go to sleep and not worry about school. Should have graduated in December. I could be taking HCC or USF classes and be halfway through my freshman year by June. Grr. Oh well. I don't want to go to high school anymore.
Called Freddy earlier. I sort of did and did not avoid him yesterday. Don't really know why. Just didn't feel like talking. I feel like I need a day or two break for some reason. Breathing time. *shrug* I dunno quite what my deal is or why. There are some things we need to talk about. But I don't really know how or what to say. We really can't seem to find the time or place to sit down and talk one on one, either. *shrug* I dunno. Too much is going on everywhere in life. I wish I could pick on thing not to deal with. It'd be school. Life would be so much better if I had graduated already. Oh well.
I'm sorry, babe. I don't know what was up with me yesterday and what it is that's still sort of lingering into today. :-/ I'm sure it'll be okay. *hug*
I also had a dream this morning that we were sitting at the dinner table and I was fixing Russell's plate for him and he said his first sentence. "Sissy, I don't want that to eat." It was weird.
Off to the bank. (maybe?)