Feb 20, 2006 22:47
Alright Alright... I'm a sheep... I've been tagged by Erin and Shaula.. so here I go...
1) Write down 7 things that piss you off (in no certain order).
2) Tag 7 people.
3) If you want, write 7 things that make you happy, too.
1. Junk food tastes so good because it's bad for.
2. Beauty magazines promote low self esteem.
3. People with closed minds who open their mouths.
4. People who can talk to OTHER people about you, but can't talk to you directly.
5. Being around people who know how to COMPLETELY manipulate you.
6. People who treat others poorly because they're not comfortable with, or don't understand a situation.
7. Spending time and energy loving someone who either can't, or won't love you back.
Kendra, Kellyn, Ahley, Amy, Lenya, Dan (cause I know he won't), and Gwen.. hahaha.
1. Love
2. Friendship
3. Crisp fall air
4. Beauty
5. Magic
6. Romance
7. Self improvement and positive criticism.