So...some of you may be asking why these photos are coming so late. "Why is she waiting so long?" you ask. "Is she on dial up?" you ask. "Is she leaving us in suspense?" you ask.
I'm putting them up little by little so I can ween you off the shock of the End of the Show Blues. It works. Trust me. Although...since I am sick today, I'm giving you the rest. Yes. That's right! For the price of your attention and a mouse to do the famous CLICK-AND-SAVE!, you can receive The Cast Dinner Photos thru the Cast Party photos. No strings attached. No fine print. No Oxy-Clean man.
Orry, Sheila, and Denzel
Sarah and Sarah
Gangsta...all the way.
T.J. and Courtney with a menu to hide their scandalous kissing.
I was really tired and I felt really insane. Notice that 1800's-T.J. is not on the cover of the menu anymore.
Rachel and Leryn <3
A toast to greatness!
Jake doing a sugar shot.
The one panel closest to the top of the camera was replaced incorrectly.
I was really worried because my face was really, really warm and I wasn't sick.
Denzel took this, and I don't remember what he said about it.
(See next picture.)
Non-Alcoholic Beer. Imagine that.
Police Officer Leryn Turlington
Another toast to greatness!
Jake bought me dinner: a cup of French onion soup.
Betsy, T.J., and our VERY generous waitress.
Court on the phone.
It looks like Sarah is yodeling slightly.
I opted to keep this picture because of the hysterical situation: I was doing my Evil Witch From Snow White impression with the apple (bottom left hand corner) and Sheila swooped into the picture.
I love this picture.
Nate doing his Joey Fatone impression. "How YOU doin'?"
Group shot
Rachel and Leryn
Courtney having a fit on the floor and Sarah...I'm really not sure what Sarah's doing.