Nov 11, 2005 23:13
it was super nice having today off. having to work tomorrow morning sucks though. i mean i wish i had two and a half days off in a row, rather than day off, work half a day, day and a half off. can't really go hard tonight because of work tomorrow, and yeah, bah to work tomorrow.
question of the day: for what act in your life do you feel the most guilt?
ps ordered proactive. opps, background info: possibly as the mark of the devil, i was cursed with a wierd face rash that started back in the summer, and was just a little dime sized red spot sort of between my upeer lip and my cheek. it was red and dry and spread over to my nose, and down bwside my mouth, and started on the other side too from my nose to my mouth, kinda along laugh lines. not supper hideous by annoying to me. yes i have been spoiled in that i have never had an acne problem. so not a big fan of this. it was at its worst right when i was moving back to edmonton, so really not impressed to be reuniting with ppl and meeting lots of new ppl with this rash. went to the doc who prescribed a cortazon-like cream. didn't work. two months later went to diff doc. she said it was a bacterial infection and gave me an antibiotic cream which was supposed to make it better. a month and a half later, it has mostly died down - it is spots rather than a rash. so it looks like i have acne now - little zits at the corners of my mouth. again, from the spoiled skin girl, still not acceptable. i do not want litte red spots. so i ordered proactive because 1/ i was low on face wash and ready to try something new. 2/friend had ordered it and was loving it. 3/ figured it can't hurt right? antibacterial cream only did so much and isn't finishing the job, so why not? anyway, i ordered it couple weeks ago, and it arrived on wednesday. so i am on day two of using it and i am loving it. as for the remains of the face rash, i will keep y'all posted.