Tweets for Today

Jun 15, 2011 04:50

  • 07:41 @ beautifulorgasm Studies say people are more attracted to those they met in dangerous times. I bet they raise spiders to pull that trick! ;P #
  • 08:15 @ bigpeteb Yeah, the videos look neat. Too bad the A4 version is taking forever -- I won't be satisfied until I can dual-boot my phone! #
  • 09:28 A lot of the jokes are about 15 years old, but this is slightly mesmerizing. Drew Carey seems meaner this way. #
  • 10:56 Because I know at least four women who have considered starting this exact blog: This Is Not OK, Cupid. #
  • 12:13 At least a few parts of my apartment's wiring were constructed by gnomes, or perhaps sentient spiders. #tinyHands #tinyTools #
  • 16:02 Does it count as productivity if none of the things I've gotten done today were on my todo list? #
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