Jul 14, 2010 09:01
- 09:57 @ catiemonster Yeah, I've read that you can SSH into a JB'd phone and attach to the app with GDB to get ASM, but I haven't yet. #TLAs #
- 11:36 @ swampgravy just cross-condition; If you shove a lit cig into your eye, you'll be biased against smoking and towards getting in contacts. #
- 13:30 I love this site every time I rediscover it: now with the Army's "respect everyone who's not gay" comic bit.ly/ccjKec #
- 16:09 @ sciencetwat When I tried, my porcelain skin went transparent, my monitor blew out, and I think a nuclear power plant melted down. #
- 17:06 Suffice it to say that everything that could possibly be fucked, is fucked. financial, personal, vocational. Everything. Fucked. #
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