WIP artz and me coming to terms with being a fanboy shipper...

Aug 07, 2009 23:52

Is it really bad that I just want to ship Fanservice/Red Fanservice(Perceptor)/Hotimus just because the three of them are so damn pretty?

I don't ship TF's damnit! Apart from OP/Cosmos for the crack and Hound/Sideswipe because their snarky love is practically canon.

I give up, I really do.

I tried not to, but I fail at being one of those fanboys that growls 'not my robots'. I can't take anything seriously enough in any way so from now on, Optimus and Cosmos are going to get married one day. Hound and Sideswipe are just going to spend forever being the universe's snarkiest lovers in a no real physical contact way (one day I may get over my aversion to CLANG) beyond hands-on-shoulders-in-a-supportive-way. Perceptor and Drift are just...well, those two really, and Hotimus (blame Japan and my brother for that name)will wander between those two and Ultra Magnus because he can (and should).

Oh, and everyone is in a threesome with Ironhide. Except when Hotimus is in a foursome with Ultra Magnus/Springer and Arcee.

First law of the universe that one.

Please can I go back to being normal and thinking shipping giant robots is damn weird and fangirls made no sense to me?

But then, where's the fun in that?

Crossposted to Dreamwidth

transformers:character:drift, transformers:!art

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