What happened to the days when friendships were friendships and not based on who you knew and what you did? Not based on how jealous someone was of you for places you've been or famous people you've met. Honestly. I don't understand how the concept of being someones friend just because of who they know. I like my friends for who they are on the inside. I could care less if they know Angelina Jolie or some random drummer for a semi famous band. That means jack to me. Sure, its pretty awesome, but at the same time. It does NOT in any way determine my friendship with them.
friend·ship [according to
http://dictionary.reference.com/ ]
1.the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person's friendship. 2.a friendly relation or intimacy. 3.friendly feeling or disposition.
-Synonyms 2. harmony, accord, understanding, rapport.
Now, I don't think it states anything in that about celebrities now does it? What the fuck are with people and needing to get 15 minutes of fame. If thats all I cared about, seriously, I would have moved to Cali or New York ages ago and rubbed elbows with whomever I could. Life is full of people just like you or me. Just because their face is on TV or in some movie, it means nothing. It just means they got the break and have the energy to go for things (on top of the opporunity to do so).
I'm so tired of fake friendships. I just want the people that matter to me around me. And those people include each and every one of the people who i'm on this site with. Plus, like maybe a handful more.