
Jul 30, 2008 13:54

I hate violence. Most people know about my past, and if you don't well sorry, maybe I didn't feel comfortable sharing it. But thats besides the point. It scares me more then anything to be put in any sort of violent situation. I usually try and stear clear of that. Which tends to lead me trying to make peace with everyone and everything, just so I don't have to deal with it. This week started off pretty damn well amazing. I was pumped for a lot of things. Mostly was excited for my roommate and her impending vacation on Wednesday (she needs it more then anyone I know, let me tell you that). So that night we sat around for a bit and talked about that and yadda yadda.  I remember my roomies ex coming to pick up their daughter, and then she cut her current boyfriends hair on the front deck while we drank coffee (that he had brought from Timmies!). I went to bed kinda early, because to be honest? I was exhausted. Okay more like I couldn't keep one eye open long enough sometimes to see where I was walking. That being said. I was passed out hardcore, when the following events occured (this is a cut and paste from my Insanejournal account that was posted yesterday):

"I got jarred out of bed at 2am by someone trying to kick in the front door of the house. My roommates ex-boyfriend and her baby daddy (they haven't been together for over two years), was threatening to kill her and her new boyfriend and trying to break in the house. My window for my room is on the front porch. I freaked out. He destroyed her boyfriends motorcycle that was parked in the back, its not even rideable, he had to scrap it. And basically was just trying to get in and kill them, while he left his four year old daughter alone back at his apartment (because he had her for the night) about 20 blocks away and not to mention the police took almost an hour to get there, first they arrested the wrong guy and then he came back and fucking kicked the door again and took our green bin (which is what we use for food waste) and tossed it all over the backyard before the police got him. And they wouldn't go get her daughter untill they talked to her, shes four and was alone. Her friend went to get her, but the landlord wouldn't let him take her without the police there. He currently has 13 charges against him as of right now. And my roommate has to be called before he gets released"

I mean come to find out, he was drunk. He got what a lot of people get, liquid courage. When you are so drunk you can do just about anything and not worry about the consequences. I've seen it before. I have lived in a house where it was present before. Violence scares me to death. This is day number 2 since that incident. And i'm still shaking a bit and terrified. I find myself being slightly paronoid about things.

Next time you think that violence is the way to go, just think about how cold and lonely that jail cell is. And the fact that it will not only ruin your life, but also everyone you ever loved will lose a certain amount of respect for you.



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